The Miss had been raving about a yoga session she’d had in class, and so when they had an after-school yoga activity at Safari Kid I brought her back…
Since it’s a toddler class, the teacher reads a story to them and then incorporates Yoga poses into the story…
We did the Tree Pose, with and without also balancing a bean bag on the toddler’s head… (Balance being something that helps with their learning in the classroom…)
Besides balance, another purpose of the yoga moves is to cross their midlines, the imaginary line drawn from the head to the feet that separates the left and the right halves of the body (because the left and right side of the brain have different purposes, the idea is for each hemisphere to communicate with the other, so as to facilitate learning and coordination…)

A “mind jar” filled with sparkles that slowly sink, for some quiet time as the kids watch the swirls…
And, predictably, all through the weekend…..
Have a good week ahead, dears… Don’t miss the satay for the trees 🙂
I will gladly miss the satay for the two adorable trees! 🙂 Super love the mommy and Miss Rockstar yoga duet pose.
Haha thanks… first lesson (as is often the case with her) was pretty smooth… second lesson she was starting to revert to her true self – which is being a monkey in these classes 😀 To the instructor’s credit she was incredibly patient and diligent about trying to get the Miss on track…