So my laptop’s been down and I cannot whip out my iPhone without the Miss commandeering it to send a text message or email. I periodically get messages out of the blue from my mum friends with “Hi Miss :)” and realize they are replying some garbled thing she’s sent them. True story.
Here’s another one – yesterday I rescued my phone just before she sent an email to……………….. Boss Ming (Timothy Tiah’s business partner)!!! Of all things!!! Showed the screen to Kings, he thought it was hilarious. Well he did not just nearly forward a Shopbop “Your Hearts Are On SALE” junk email to one of the bosses at Netccentric so he can laugh. Humph.
Like, you’d think she’d be happy with a cartoon or something. But noooooo. That’s for other rockstars.

And this one is JD’s idea. Though… after this the Miss wouldn’t get off that bench for absolutely ages.
(We had to make it up to the dog with yet another 3km walk; she had to spend Easter Sunday alone because we briefly followed Kings on business trip in Danang, Vietnam.)
aww… very kind as always dear