We recently collected the Miss’ Safari Kid Kit, and so today the Miss got to show off her first ever school uniform… She was very pleased to put this on in the morning, considering she slept at….. 11.30pm last night!!! (Simply couldn’t fall asleep – both Rockstars have this problem, looks like) Also, it turns out she’d been watching the Upper Classmen (:D) in her pre-school in the school fashions for months, because she told us this morning when she put her gear on…
With her hairdo though, I picked a larger sweatshirt, hoping also to pull this look off:
Happy 1st Birthday, Safari Kid, we love how much our kid loves going to your classes, and we love your style (and we don’t just mean the fashions

She came home off the bus looking like this on Anniversary Party Day… Was a bit worried about the glittery paint near her eyes but of course they used baby-safe stuff, she didn’t have any problems at all, even when she rubbed her eyes (though it caused me a brief scare when the paint smudged…)
1, The elephant bag is so cute, and that’s their official school bag? What a fun school!
2. Miss Rockstar looks really excited to be going to school.
3. Oh, the school knows that she loves butterfly? Is that why they drew on a butterfly for her. She looks so sweet and angelic. Did she look at herself in the mirror and like the butterfly on her face?
1. Yes, that really is their official school bag!! And it’s very practical too – relatively soft and light fabric, with both a secure large zipped-up compartment and the big, easily accessible pouch under the elephant’s trunk – which is also secure enough that stuff doesn’t fall out easily even when the bag is thrown about or tipped upside down. There’s Safari Kids in Malaysia, I wonder if they’re using those bags too…
2. Yes she likes this school a lot…
She looked briefly at herself, but in general she doesn’t have a habit of looking in the mirror much, though she has strong opinions about what she wears. (Nowadays so does Rockstar, but back then he was willing to try on a lot fewer things…)
3. Don’t know how she came by the butterfly, presumably she chose that when they asked her… She did introduce herself as a butterfly to me when I collected her