The Miss likes to make up her own lyrics… And uh, often the tunes too 😀
Miss (Singing loudly):
Miss is so naughtyyyyy…
Miss is so naughtyyyyy…
Miss splashes in pud-dles…
(Bemused, we start to join in)
Miss: No. Don’t sing. Let. Me. Do it.
Miss: Issa awe-sum day, issa awe-sum day, Mummy it really was a awe-sum day…
(Substitute rainy day, sunny day, cloudy day…)
Miss: I want leeeep (sleep), I want leeeep (sleep)…
Miss: (to herself) No.
Miss: I want jelleee… I want jelleeeeee… and marshmallow…….
A-and the rockstars are sporting biker chic this week…

Yes she really went to toddler music class in a raincoat, helmet and skates. It uh, took a little longer than usual to get there.
Oh, right.
wah, Rockstar is so yeng! Miss Rockstar loves to sing and expresses herself well in her songs.
😀 That is how he goes to Chai-nese tuition ok, can you imagine… When he was all Man On A Mission going in also the teacher was chuckling…