Several weeks ago, the Miss was on one of her Multiple Fake Toilet Run rampages streaks when we were out for dinner. Now, when she wants, she has a lot of staying power in the face of her bluff being called; this is one such incident…..
Me: Again?! I don’t believe that! How can you possibly need to go that many times in one mealtime?! Ok, you know what? If you’re bluffing and don’t really need to go…. We are not going home with your (latest cheap plastic toy she left on the table.) Miss nods convincingly. She patiently insists she needs to go……….. all the way to the toilet seat.
When we return to the table…….
Me: She was bluffing.
Rockstar: <exasperated> I knew it! Bye bye toy. We are not bringing this back.
Miss: We can get a new one tomorrow. Right?
Kings: No, you need money to buy it.
Miss: I have money.
Rockstar: <mutters> D’you even know what money is..
Miss: We are not taking this (toy) home, (so) I want new one.
Kings: No, you need money to buy a new one.
Miss: I have money.
Kings: No, you don’t have money.
Rockstar: Anyway you don’t know what money is.
Miss: Mummy. Give me your wallit.
Miss: <opens wallet> See. Here is money. <holds it up>
Miss returns my wallet and carries on eating without another word, satisfied. She doesn’t ask for a replacement toy again; not that evening, not the next, it’s a relatively long time before she asks for anything…
So we’d all forgotten about this, but there happens to be not a few crafting stations in her new school, and during free play time where the little kids may choose what they want to do, she purposefully brought this home to put on Kings’ table one day:
HAHA! Seriously there is too much sass in this one little girl. I love her!!
Love her and be tahan her at the same time right…
I think she will be making loads of money in her job when she grows up! 😀
As the Cat or the Creeper? 😀
Oh so that’s what the atm machine means. I didn’t know it earlier. Haha