Me: What d’you want for Christmas, darling?
HN: Don’t worry about it, Mummy. I told Santa already. He came to our school, so he’s taking care of it.
During a rare, quiet moment…
HN: Mummy, what do you always wish for at Christmas?
Me: You mean like, actual stuff, or just a wish?
HN: Wish!!
Me: A fulfilling job where I could still remain close by enough to raise you guys.
HN: <pause> Stuff!Now do stuff!! What stuff do you want!!
HN: <still enthusiastically> You know, that we can put in boxes!
Rockstar: <not looking up from laptop> A dead body.
HN: <shrieks at him>
HN: C’mon Mum-may, what do you want for Christmas, that we can put in a box.
Me: You just want to gift wrap a box, don’t you?
HN: Yeah. Can you say “JD” so we can put the dog in a box? Then at the right time, she can jump out of the box and say…. <screams> “WOOOFFF!”
Me: What makes you think the dog is going to cooperate with that?
HN: Why wouldn’t she, it’s only a few more days til Christmas…
At bedtime…
HN: I don’t want to separate (her two stuffed penguins). They’re mother and daughter.
Me: You separate perfectly fine from me when you’ve got a class in your busy life. (Other times she can be very demanding on my energy and patience).
HN: Yah but they might be a different kind of mother and daughter.
Me: Oh, so life sucks being your mum?
HN: No, but life would suck being my brother. <thoughtful pause> Life would totally suck for him, Mum-may. Because I would make it.
We started reading Luke 2 this Christmas, and…
HN: Mummy, I feel sooo sorry for baby Jesus. It’s like what, no (birthday) party?
Me: Your brother’s 10, and he’s never had a party (more on that someday).
HN: <mutters> Yeah, I don’t understand that either.