My parents take Muppy home today. She was touch and go for most of my silent period, which is why I hadn’t said anything before. (And then I start getting emails asking! That was nice, thought not that many people cared that much when I mentioned it proving I have some fairly silent, very sincere readers…)
Anyway one moment The Mupp could walk, then she’d have a relapse, then she couldn’t wake up, then she was wolfing her food….. There were lots of ups and downs punctuated by my dad’s texts of She’s Not Out Of The Woods Yet! But well she’s going home today i.e. her condition is stable.
Muppy may need medication for a long time (Dot, the mutt my mum lugged about for 2 years, holds the record – having been permanently on meds for those last couple years yet never without a happy, spaced out smile on her face), she may relapse… but right now she’s eating (boy are my parents in danger of messing that up – I keep nagging them that the dog already has serious weight problems despite diet and exercise), she is navigating obstacles and I shall remind them to put on that new black diaper cover while she is recuperating.
According to my dad, she might be permanently blind. According to my mum, she can see light and dark if you pass your hand over her face (but appears unable to “see” my parents) so that doesn’t pass for blindness. But my mum also describes that dog as “big-boned,” not obese, so no one listens to anything my mum says about her dogs.

Even in blurry cellphone pic sent from Penang - Can you see the "I'm So Cham I'm So Cham" Face? (no doubt she really was very sick, but now she's recovering we really think she is doing some of it on purpose - she is, after all, a Border Collie)
The vet says… the dog appears to be milking the situation (well d-uh) and he suspects she isn’t really blind. My dad follows his Who Knows If She Will Ever Recover Her Eyesight text lament with Oh But She Never Bumps Into Things. (NOT BLIND!!! Someone PLEASE explain to my parents!! Blind = Unable To See i.e. Will Bump Into Things!!)
Y-eah don’t listen to my dad about the dogs either.
We watch her waddling (it’s a very fat dog, it is my mother who is blind!) about the clinic and seriously – she can step over obstacles and move confidently around examining tables so I really don’t know how anyone can believe this animal is blind. (What, she is gifted, and can sense furniture around her? She has echolocation like what the bats use?) “Blind” just because she pretends she can’t see you? Lots of cats do it, no one calls the species blind. In fact, there are none so blind…….
Sigh. So the end of this story (at least for now) is that my parents are going to be at the beck and call of this manipulative animal for the foreseeable future. Because she has told them she is blind. That to me is the biggest indication she’s actually feeling a lot better.
ps: So terrible right this spoilt dog? Can you imagine if she were a person………….!
Good to hear that Muppy is back at home with your parents. Hope she is enjoying all the attention and dedication that she is getting!
Sure she is (ice water to beat Malaysian heat, anyone?) but you know as with humans, we never really appreciate a good thing until we’ve also had a few bad ones (like staying at the vet’s!)
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