This is Suzy.
There used to be Brownie too, but he died of old age. Suzy’s not young either, but not quite that old… And now I know why my mum saves all those tupperware. Also, you can probably recognize former stray mutts in the area because apparently they don’t eat dog food, my parents’ rescue mutt is the same. (Funny story, Rockstar came home one day from school saying besides being endangered, hedgehogs eat dog food)

At “Hi, Suzy,” she comes up to the door for a sniff, before going back to her meal. You can tell she’s cleaned up real good.
Apparently several times a week the family Suzy adopted allows her to roam freely for the day, reliving her former stray mutt life (otherwise she has a home with a garden – though she seems to have forgotten to put her tag on that day), and one of the things she does when she’s out is stop by the back door of my parents’ place for a meal. We completely missed her appearance last time, but on our most recent trip back I hear a gentle wuffing and find her come to lunch. My parents’ mutt and Mupp have a firm playmate and escort if she’s out and they’re being walked – for a share of treats, of course.
And this is Muppy after the visit and her daily half bath.
(But really, I took that picture because I thought she looked like a fat fur barrel with 4 limbs that may never meet…)
Hi Suzy, hope you have a good meal.
Muppy seems to like sleeping on her back.
Also Suzy, may I also ask how you keep in such good shape with all that rice you’re eating and the fact my parents’ home is not the only place you bum a free rice meal from when you’re out?
Muppy only seems to sleep like that after her bath…