Yes, an actual Noah’s Ark in Hong Kong. Kings found it. My mum friends would later laugh at me when I was all gushy about the place because it turns out there are occasional school trips here. But this day of birthday celebration of She-Who-Likes-Animals, I shall award accolades for finding the place to Kings. Whom I think googled

Though they were jumping around outside before that so maybe partly why she KOed (btw Rockstar is in very light cotton longs per advice of pediatrician long ago because he got bad bug bites. Touch wood the Miss doesn’t, plus she gets very sweaty)
Anyway just as well Nap Happened, because this place turns out to have lots and lots of seriously educational exhibits, which Rockstar was very happy to spend a couple hours on. If the Miss had been awake she would probably have been bouncing off the walls and ceiling so much he couldn’t spend as much time, so it all worked out: Older Sibling had loads of fun on Younger Sibling’s birthday.

And trying to hear all the historical stuff about different musical composers – in both English and Cantonese
This day amidst the crowd we spotted only maybe one Caucasian family (who might also speak very good Cantonese for all you know haha), it appears to be a very local place… A Cantonese-speaking toddler roughly the same size as the Miss (or a bit smaller) points at the lift buttons and says “One! Two! Three!” #getintimidatednow #rightnow.
At this point I suddenly realize some of the exhibits now involve possible evidence supporting the existence of the actual Noah’s Ark in the Bible. The “game” Rockstar is on is to “decode” files of historical evidence of the Ark (Ararat is the name of the ancient country in the region)…
Here’s a few more interesting screens or displays, including some computer simulations about the specifications of the Ark, the kind of wood it was likely built with, etc etc:
Kings asks, “Didn’t the animals eat each other?” I took this pic as a possible answer to the hypothetical:
(Sorry, no matter what I did with my limited cellphone-pic-savvy, I couldn’t get the whole thing in. But yes, those are actual tortoises in the tank above the words :P)
Among the many things I didn’t know… That there is such a robust Cantonese Christian community here (don’t scream at me please, yes I know there are very active Cantonese churches, and belatedly I remember there is at least one very big and active Korean one too)…
There’s a fairly big park compound, and lotsa animal statues, but we soon find blessed relief from the heat indoors. Oh, and a note on her dress – I thought it was pretty nice and one of the few times I bought something full-priced at Zara…… Then a few days before I was going to happily put her in the dress for her birthday I was on school run and saw another little girl wearing it…….. as a coverup over her swimsuit with the buttons undone But after she had ice cream birthday cake we had to change her dress anyway…
(I find this shot quite funny because it’s like we’re being photo bombed by the Ark)
A good and educational outing for both Rockstars! Nice way to spend one’s birthday.
Thanks, and the exhibits actually kept us very busy and out of trouble…