Pic from Bored Panda.
Yippee! Friday!
1) 36 more perfectly timed photos (besides the one above).
2) So you made a mistake this week? It wasn’t tattooed on though, was it? More than we could say for these poor guys: Asian tattoo FAILS.
3) 21 year old’s last text before he nearly dies in car accident: “I need to stop texting before I die in a car accident.”
4) Should’ve put this one up ages ago, somehow I missed including it in the last couple weeks: Who cares who are the 25 least affordable colleges, let’s see who made Newsweek’s Top 25 Party Colleges by alcohol and drug abuse cases, among others.
5) There, there. You could skip the college bit and do this? Or… not. Guy’s an attorney who draws em as a hobby…
6) Warning: I cried more than I smiled. Some of the world’s most powerful photographs.
7) Or you can do office versions of this:
From Michael Hughes souvenir photography.
Have a good weekend…!
Thanks! Wishing all of you a good weekend too!
I noticed that “Some of the world’s most powerful photographs” were taken during war time. I just hope that the world now is wise enough not to have another world war.
Yes… It was the pic of the boy at his father’s funeral – his face, as an officer spoke to him, that undid me. Hope your weekend’s good too…