Our Other Rockstar At Hong Kong Canine Agility Championships

We were clearing out old magazines… Scanned these before they get unwittingly recycled or crumble into dust…

Rockstar isn’t the only Diva in the family… JD’s just more low-key about it (she just wants sticks and balls, she’s a simple girl)… But on the streets during her competition days, people usually recognise her, not us…

Uh, no that’s not JD


(Bottom Pic) And I’m wearing any old thing that’s warm enough… That was the first International HK Agility Championship (note some people brought flags) and it went wayyy over time…

There was a rather barkey border collie from China… There was a flag…

There was a showing from Phillippines too I think…

The Japanese contestants…. weren’t Border Collies – they were Corgis and Cocker Spaniels who might have trained in Romania – super fast, perfect execution – and then you look at the dog doing all that and find it easier to imagine him/her wearing a tiara or ruffled dress than tearing up the competition field… But then you take their chain off (competition rules – the dog wears nothing, not even a collar, on the obstacle course) and you watch them fly on  their stubby little legs…

We bought so many copies of this one… HKCWAC = Hong Kong Working And Agility Competition…

It was JD’s first serious competition in Hong Kong (not international)…

(And yes, the pom on the cover’s name is Hold Your Horses Of Whiteville… Maybe they go on to explain why, among the profile, three-quarter and etc shots of him in the mag (that is one pom that can hold still) but we couldn’t read it, it’s a very local Canton mag…)

And that’s us in action…

And taking a break in the nearby pool between events…

Post Rockstar, we haven’t been competing. Very occasionally we make the long drive out to the training grounds (complete with swimming pools) in Sheung Shui. JD’s almost 8 now… She was one of the main reasons after the baby we moved to Cyberport with its large (by HK standards) Waterfront Park…

I constantly worry her “standard of living” will drop drastically because of the baby.

As a semi-retired diva in her own right, JD averages 2 or 3 X 60-90 minute walks at Waterfront Park on work days, spends the weekend at the Peak or swimming in Sai Kung, and the rest time brokering agreements with Rockstar (he doesn’t like eating meat, they have an arrangement) or curled up in the coldest corner of our bedroom.

Oh and there are the hissy fights with the Rockstar – you steal my ball, I steal your ball.

That’s showbiz for you

We love you, JD.

Thank you for hours and hours and hours of unconditional love and friendship.

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