Guinea Pig Comes To Stay – Rockstar Writes For The Miss’ “Homework Assignment”

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photo 3-84

photo 2-109 photo 1-116


Prologue, Epilogue, and snarky comments about rodents with strange hairdos to follow…….

Posted in Rockstar Shots, School For Rockstar, Talking To Rockstar | 2 Comments

Not Your Regular Friday (Or Weekend), This

1) Proving it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game 😀 Golden Retriever Loses Obedience Competition, Wins Your Heart.

JD sucks at Obedience trials/competitions to this day btw. The popular ones we tried back in the day in Singapore, you’re not supposed to say anything to the dog while they’re in trial/competition. So I would stand there, back straight and arms at my sides and will her to note my facial expression when she is scratching, yawning, looking everywhere, and – wait for it – scooting her bum closer and closer to me (but not actually getting up). Anyone who’s had a female border collie will understand this – they look for loopholes.

Because she couldn’t pass Obedience, they used to bar her from proceeding to Agility, long ago back in Singapore. That didn’t stop her from going on to winning a Hong Kong International Advanced Agility Relay event before the Rockstars were born, when we moved here. (She’s placed or won other Agility events too, but that one was probably the biggest. To this day though, I don’t think she can pass the original 3 minute sit-and-don’t-move requirement.)

Anyway, note in the embedded vid the handlers are tweens or teens. I’d say something about dog/ pet training being excellent child training (you have to earn the animal’s trust and you need to exercise patience and restraint in order to train an animal – and because it is an animal, not a human/parent, it’s not going to cut the child slack/ rationalize with the ole’ “Ok, close enough, good enough” moniker – it’s just not going to get trained).

BUT it might not be fair to the dog. One of the mildly disturbing things I used to see when Kings and I would drive up to pet shops pre-JD was little kids going “Daddy, Mummy he’s so cute! Can we get him, can we can we can we??? But I want him, he’s soooooo cute!!!

Please, please be prepared to say no. Or a very well thought-out yes. (Or just don’t go near the shop :D)

We were turned down by the SPCA in Singapore when they heard about our working hours. “It’s not fair to the dog,” they said. Months later, we then ended up buying a freaking BORDER COLLIE, of all things, on the spur of the moment just because we couldn’t leave her in the puppy mill-esque place. I gave up all gym/ hip-hop/ jazz classes and “trained” her from day 1 coming home to get used to hours of walks at night when we got off work, feeding her her big meal right before we left each morning. We also took turns working from home, coming back at lunchtime NOT to play with her – it was all unbeknownst to JD (we didn’t want her to expect any action during times we would normally be at work) – but just to observe how she spent her day before we got back. WOW those were the days. Details in my old entries.)

2) Anyone who has a cat will apparently understand this.



3) (Yet another) So This Is What We Have To Look Forward To With The Kids. Dad finds horrifying letter from 15 year old son. Some of the comments are pretty funny too.

4) Landscape photographer parents bring their young children with them. Very inspirational for traveling with little kids by yourself. Kids come with a lot of baggage. So does photography equipment. Kids + often fragile and expensive photography equipment = n-ot an easy one either.



Really. Respect.

Really. Respect.

5) This one takes the dog along for photo shoots also. No, not a teacup poodle, not a chihuahua. A freaking Weimaraner. 



6) 25 Incredible Breakfast Ideas After Thanksgiving. Neither here nor there, just incredible. I don’t cook very often (don’t, not can’t), but I love the concept of enjoying leftovers.

Dis is art. (And stuffing waffles with cranberry sauce - yums!)

Dis is art. (And stuffing waffles with cranberry sauce – yums!)

7) Public service message: Black Friday is no longer where the best deals happen. Not… that I think anyone’s actually out shopping in Hong Kong specifically for BF, but this was just a note about shopping. From someone who, even at the height of her career, rarely bought big ticket branded items full-priced.

I loathe shopping crowds and think there’s a tradeoff and all that, but seriously, you can save so much money from shopping in warehouses or off-season. (I buy online way, way in advance, or way off-season, and squirrel stuff away around the home. I think it’s a manifestation of my mild OCD in general. And Rockstar isn’t the kind of child who will go around trying to find where his presents are squirreled away. Just tell him Your Present Is Over There. Leave It Alone Unless You Want To Spoil Your Own Surprise.)

To begin with, I’m fidgety, and in the absence of having any actual trades by my RM’s clients to run through in my head over and over again nowadays (ay, kept me virtually error-free for almost my entire 11 years ok, even in the worst of busy moving markets), I check prices online for shopping <sheepish>. I use online alerts and website functions – for e.g. on there is a “hearts” function. You “heart” the stuff you like and then in my case I stalk the summary page for absolutely ages, monitoring whether they’re about to sell out or possibly get marked down further or make it to one of those “Extra 20% off for 24 hours”-type days. All that just to avoid paying full price without even thinking. Why yes, I’ve checked against prices at Hong Kong departmental stores. Why yes, I’ve got girlfriends hooked on to the same habit. Like, whether you’re broke or not, why spend more than you absolutely have to? Exactly. If not broke, donate the money you save this Christmas 🙂

8) The Miss doesn’t have so much the skit this week as a fun quiz: WHAT is she doing with the broccoli? (O-or, Alas, Poor Yorick, I Knew Him Well :D)

photo 1-112 photo 2-105 photo 3-80

Good Weekend, Dears…

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 2 Comments

Viva La Sport (or Speed) Stacking

How did I never see how great this is for kids til now, I must’ve been distracted by a bumblebee…

So Rockstar says he does a lot of this in PE (besides what they have in PMP and a detailed Games/Swimming etc schedule depending on whether it’s hot or cold weather) and I got to see it last year when I subbed for another volunteering mum, but I didn’t realize how important it was until I read the PE section in the weekly Kennedy Newsletter.

Now, previously Rockstar has come home quite often talking about speedstacking, and I just filed that away as those……. Cups. And that……. Manic Thing I saw his class do last year in PE with freakish discipline and precision. (Seriously ok, all these little kids put their hands on the mat. Then they do this insane looking thing with cups – which btw I tried and like the grownups flailing about in the Youtube I embedded at bottom of this post, after awhile I just want to freaking fling cups everywhere – and a few seconds later their hands are back on the mat again.)

So anyway there was a note in the newsletter about how these cups were now available for Christmas delivery and there were links about all the “befefits” (good points. Forgive the site in the link the jarring typo) for kids, in doing this… Thing. As in:

“…Sport stacking not only promotes physical fitness, but also academic learning. Students that sport stack on a regular basis have shown increases in test scores and levels of concentration. This is achieved by students using both their right and left sides of their brain. When students sport stack they are crossing the “midline” of their bodies and developing new connections in their brains. These new connections help to spur brain growth which in turn promotes greater academic achievement…” 

Heck, the Miss loves stacking blocks so much I was going to get them for her as well anyway (for Rockstar it was pretty much a foregone conclusion :D), but when I read the thing about all the benefits for coordination and etc I hopped over to the PTA school uniform shop where they were taking orders to pick some up.


photo 3-77photo 1-109 photo 3-76

Predictably, this also happened below (she’s not “sport stacking” though, just stacking anything – which obviously sparked an argument with Mr Anal Retentive Armed With Sport Stacking Manual and her pointing him back to his OWN cups to do whatever he wants with his :D):

photo 5-27  photo 3-75

(Yes, she's enjoying stacking with her camel)

And so she did……. This. Her brother has long since given up, which is why Camel and Horsie are in attendance.

So… D’you think Rockstar slunk off defeated and left his baby sister to the animals? He’s been non-stop with those cups, so yeah, did. I thought he went back to playing with his own cups and then forgot about it.

But no. This morning I discovered he’d left this for his sister to see on her art easel:

Don't know whether to call this determined or passive-aggresssive :D

Don’t know whether this is “determined” or “passive-aggresssive” 😀

Anyway here’s a fun action video because you just have to see this thing for real. There’s an item in the “befefits” (sorry) about how it raises self esteem of little kids because it levels the playing field – anyone can be good at this, with a little practice (there’s even a split second in the video where I think one of the categories appears to be Special Needs – anyway I found this about Hong Kong’s first Special Needs sport stacking tournament in 2011) but really it was the “If you stack cups efficiently you might win a nice trophy. Of a cup, remark that made me pick this one.


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Little Miss Speak #30 – The Problem With Responding


My turn to get this one…

Miss: (to me) Don’t call me “Miss” (abbreviation for her name).

Me: Oh, now I can’t call you “Miss” either?

Miss: <seriously> I don’t li-ike. 

Me: Can I call you “Miss-ee” or “Miss-ee-Miss” or….?

Miss: Yes. 

Me: Just not “Miss”.

Miss: Don’t like “Miss”. 

Me (to Rockstar): Hey, I just got it too – the “Don’t call me Miss”. But she explained it’s because she doesn’t like “Miss”, she likes “Little Miss”.

Rockstar: Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss <looks at her expectantly>  

Miss: <IGNORES> 

Me (to Rockstar): Wow, her EQ is so much higher than yours.

Rockstar: Huh. Ye-ah. Miss-ee? Little Miss?

Miss: <turns and grins at him>  

Rockstar: Oh yeah, really. Hm <momentarily impressed>. But so naughty! Ko-ko called you, you didn’t answer!

(Miss laughs)

Me: See how fast she stopped you from doing something she didn’t like by not rewarding it with a reaction? Part of the reason she keeps doing things that annoy you is because you make it so rewarding and entertaining for her to do them.



And so when the shoe is on the other foot….. After Rockstar tries ignoring her (which takes humongous effort on his part)…

Miss: This the wrong Ko-Ko. Have the wrong Ko-Ko, Mummy.

Me: ?! What are you talking about?

Miss: Have two Ko-kos. Have two Ko-kos.

Me: Um.. You mean… You want a second Ko-Ko. As in, a different Ko-Ko.
(Miss nods)

Me: Why, what’s wrong with this one? No wait, lemme guess – not giving any satisfactory reactions today? So this one’s not fun enough?

Rockstar: <snorts> ‘Course not.

Miss: See. Mummy. Want other Ko-Ko. <earnestly> Want other Ko-ko, Mummy. <puts hand on my arm> 

Me: (To Rockstar) Dude. This is like she thinks we can take you back to the store for a refund or exchange.

(Thought Rockstar would laugh, but instead he palms his forehead, especially when she says -)

Miss: Yes. Bye-bye, Ko-ko.


"Also, butter won't melt in my mouth..."

“Also, butter won’t melt in my mouth…”

("But then other days, I LIKE showing that it DOES..."

(“But then other days, I LIKE showing that it DOES…”





Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

It’s A People Weekend

Dedicated to all the very different things about people…….

1) There’s a 30-something guy in one of the tiny Starbucks outlets I visit on occasion – he’s been there I think easily for more than a year, any time of day I happen to pop by (perpetually trying to bag the veggie muffin, at one point). He always seemed to be watching Chinese game shows in the middle of the day. I couldn’t figure how he could do only that, day in, day out. Finally, finally, this week I saw it – remote access Bloomberg screen he scanned briefly before returning to…. was that a mid-afternoon Chinese soap? He’s trading his own portfolio out of Starbucks.

A Day In The Life of 18 Year Old Julian Marchese, The Full-Time Student Building A Hedge Fund Out Of His Dorm Room.

“…Marchese began cold-emailing analysts for advice on how to jumpstart his career in finance. “When you’re 12, the ‘pro’ is, you’re really cute and people want to talk to you,” Marchese says. “But when I was actually serious, they brushed me off because I was 12.”….”

Dis is he, aged 14, having convinced Canadian Venture Capitalists (but he had to wait til he was 18 due to legal issues with his age)

Aged 14, he convinced Canadian Venture Capitalists re a strategy he created an algorithm for, which allows him to trade while he’s in school (but he had to wait til he was 18 due to legal issues involving his age)

Dis is he today, on his way to class at NYU

Dis is he today, on his way to class at NYU

“…At a Quantitative Finance Society meeting, club president Thomas Li warns: “All of us have massive egos, in case you haven’t realized……. ..Recognize your biases and avoid them. It’s easier than trying to remove them.”…”

Love that he said that – ego and pride can really cloud your judgment and cost you a world of pain. Countries have gone to war over “face” and hurt pride.

2) The Relationship Between Genius And Mental Illness. Especially re the geniuses in creative writing.

Did mental illness facilitate [these creators’] unique abilities, whether it be to play a concerto or to perceive a novel mathematical relationship? Or did mental illness impair their creativity after its initial meteoric burst in their twenties? Or is the relationship more complex than a simple one of cause and effect, in either direction?

“…..Many personality characteristics of creative people … make them more vulnerable……..”

“…..permits them to perceive things in a fresh and novel way, which is an important basis for creativity. But it also means that their inner world…… filled with many questions and few easy answers….” 

3) The rather misleadingly titled Texas Man Drops Note With Gay Couple That Leaves Them Trembling. This tv show staged a gay couple going into a restaurant in Texas and a waitress who gets more and more personal and rude – to see how restaurant patrons react. (That’s really why it’s here – a story of human behavior, as can only be illustrated via a hot-button issue.)

There’s close to 13,000 comments following the Youtube; a quick scan didn’t come up with any overtly hateful ones (unlike certain popular sites closer to home which have some really disturbing race-related hate comments and which I therefore deliberately never link to) but if you find one say the word, this thing is gones.

4) China’s Annual Shame List Of Illegal Renovations. Love that they published this, it’s brilliant! 😀 (Also very useful for Rockstar’s learning unit about buildings and structures)

This is really funny (and green!)

This is funny (and green!)

Unsafe, according to the article, but would've been so convenient especially when it rains :)

Unsafe, according to the article, but would’ve been so convenient especially when it rains 🙂

This one is a balcony (and much more) extended above a street

This one is a balcony (and much more) extended above a street

5) Another Power Of Social Media story. But also one about an animal lover and her beneficiary. Canadian woman finds paralyzed dog in Thailand, sets up Facebook and Gofundme pages, 3 months later he’s chillin’ in a permanent home in Ontario, Canada.

Dis is Leo

Dis is Leo

6) 9 Facts That Have Changed Since You Went To School. Rockstar’s first response was “I bet Pluto’s on it.” He’s right, it is, but what really tickled us was the one about how it used to be mathematically impossible to fold a paper more than 7 times.

They had these formulas for doing it, depending on direction:

Who cares?

Who cares?

Say what?

Say what?

Then this junior High School student (who was after the extra credit) went out and got a piece of toilet paper and disproved that one by folding it more than 7 times. Like, d-uh.

She got her extra credit by folding the right kind of paper... which turned out to be toilet paper.

She got her extra credit by folding the right kind of paper… which turned out to be toilet paper. There’s an analogy.

We liked how she approached the problem: What kind of paper can you fold the most times? Big piece. Thin construction. I typed a whole bunch about how I arrived at my own epiphany fresh out of university of application and erm, fairly basic common sense trumping a lot of complicated math for most jobs even involving derivatives unless your job scope is as an actual quant. And then my wifi died as did my unsaved yarny story. Must be a sign. And now I’m just super-late posting. So basically, something trite about not seeing the forest for the math in….. stuff. Dones.

7) Rockstar skit this week is Giddyap Horsie.

Rockstar attempting push-ups for his taekwondo, he says. Which is why he is smiling when his sis is too close for his normal comfort

Rockstar attempting push-ups for his taekwondo, he says. Which is why he is smiling when his sis is too close for his normal comfort (and save yourselves opening your mouth – you know who you are – she is sitting on him while he’s lying on the sofa, not risking hurting his back in any way)

(See? Usually NOT smiling)

(See? Usually NOT smiling)

The Miss is torn between sitting on people or flinging herself on things. This is HARD.

The Miss is often torn between climbing on people or flinging herself on things. Hard choice for her to make…!

Good weekend dears…

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 2 Comments

Rockstarism #344/ Miss-Speak #29 – More Attitude

#344/ #29

Miss (to Rockstar): Don’t call me “Miss”. (Short for her name)

Rockstar: Why can’t I call you “Miss”? I’m your Ko-ko.

Miss: I’m Lit-tle Miss (her full name), <pause>  Rockstar (his name)

Rockstar: I’m your Ko-ko, Miss Attitude Problem. 

Me: You’re also sitting further away from her at dinner tonight because I’m pretty sure she’s going to throw something at you.

Miss: YES, Rock. Starrr. 

Note the looks being exchanged. Something tells me these two are gonna be loads of fun. When they're not driving us batshit crazy.

Note facial expressions. Something tells me these two are gonna be loads of fun – when they’re not driving us (or each other) batshit crazy.



Posted in Rockstarisms | 1 Comment

Bragging Rights…


There is an older model of a Star Wars Lego ship (9-14 years recommended age, if I recall correctly) that was a work-in-progress for more than a year. Rockstar spent Lego Savings money on this thing because it was his first Dark Side Star Wars Lego set and there was a Sith figurine with a red light saber (yes, really – he thought this “baddie” ship was the most acceptable, because his Jedi needed someone to fight.)

It became one of the very few sets he’s ever given up on (there is one other one that was three-quarters completed; wasn’t difficult for him to swing the last quarter). This one however was left mostly undone – his little hands couldn’t handle the bigger, flat sheet-like pieces and he got frustrated. The parts then sat half in their box and half all over various storage compartments in his Lego Headquarters loft, often employed for other “mad scientist” projects. I told Rockstar more than a year ago when he refused to keep trying on this thing that he wasn’t allowed any more major Lego until this was done.

Then came the Hero Factory series. Ball and socket joints and Lego Teknik-ish stuff. I brought up the Sith Ship. He threw a hissy fit over one weekend at my anal retentive (What? It’s a FREAKING EXPENSIVE SHIP he blew almost his entire Lego Fund on in one go and I don’t like this kind of waste)…….. before waking up one morning and deciding to attempt a comeback.

Which is about when I just have to blow my Saturday morning just to locate the pieces so he can rebuild this thing. (I. Know. WHO sabo-ed herself there?!) It’s 95, 99% complete (who knew some hated trade and transaction audit experience would come in handy?!) – we found substitutes for all the missing relatively generic pieces and lucked out on finding almost all the unique ones – save for two tiny black plastic guns.

So here we go:

photo 3-68

photo 1-98 photo 2-91

Dis Is Art. Dis thing is also sitting in our living room as a reminder of the awesome feeling when you see something through.

Now, it’s The Miss’ turn:

Ice Bucket Challenge, anyone?

Ice Bucket Challenge, anyone?

For real though, that’s not exactly ice – but it is cold water she requested and it is getting colder here, not to mention she is not yet 2 and a half.

No, she doesn’t actually know about the ice bucket challenge and the attempts to raise awareness of ALS

(Though both of them enjoyed some of the festivities at the recent outdoor fair promoting ALS awareness)

(Though both of them enjoyed some of the festivities at the recent outdoor fair promoting ALS awareness)

In this case however, the Miss just wants cold water to pour on herself

In this case however, the Miss just wants cold water to pour on herself

(Why, of COURSE the bottle has to be filled with PINK "crystals" that dance about)

(Why, of COURSE the bottle has to be filled with PINK “crystals” that dance about)

So she can make this face.

So she can make this face.

Not gonna ask you guys to pick a winner. Kinda obvi. Also, our younger child is, quite simply, INSANE.

"Ph-ew. Brr. HEE HEE HEE"

“Ph-ew. Brr. HEE HEE HEE”


ps: Yes I kept her bath water warm enough.

Posted in Rockstar Shots, Rockstar Thoughts | 2 Comments

Rockstarism #343/ #28 – Sometimes These Two Have Way Too Much ‘Tude.

#343/ #28


Rockstar: Mum. What starts with an F and ends with U-C-K?

(I jump visibly)


Incongruous picture of him one day on the way to school with his Box of Hope

Incongruous picture of him looking innocent one day on the way to school with his Box of Hope


Miss: Who this? Who this? Who this, Mummy? <points to picture>

Me: Ko-ko.

Miss: Who this? Who this? Who this, Mummy?

Me: Little Miss Rockstar.

Miss: Who this? Who this? Who this, Mummy?

Me: JD.

Miss: Very good, Mummy! Clap for Mummy!

Me: (Well obviously I can recognize my children, right…) Is it possible for you to sound any more patronizing?


Me: …And yet you managed.

Miss: Well done, Mummy! 

Miss "Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give A Damn," Butler. (Who didn't finish the chocolate marshmallow by a long shot)

Miss “Frankly My Dear, I Don’t Give A Damn,” Butler. (Who didn’t finish the chocolate marshmallow by a long shot – she just played with it)

Right before she decide to REALLY pose for a pic...

Right before she decide to REALLY pose for a pic…


Posted in Rockstarisms, School For Rockstar, Talking To Rockstar | 2 Comments

Beautiful Stories Of Adoption (And More) This Friday…

1) The oft-not heralded enough beauty captured in Breathtaking Photos Of Adoption.

slide_378282_4462188_free slide_378282_4477966_free slide_378282_4461370_free

11 years in derivatives, 3 banking mergers (survived all 3 technically, but still you kinda think the universe is trying to tell you something, and it’s not what your market counterparts are saying, to let them know beforehand next time you’re about to move so they can do a stock trade because you appear to be an unscientific merger-predictor :D), 2 were particularly bloody and during one such, was the incongruous tale of this much-feared senior boss and his wife and (at least) 2 children who adopted an HIV positive child.

As it was told to me, there were cocktails of medications that had to be administered, precautions taken about open wounds… and the senior boss’ apparent response, when asked: “It was to teach my (clearly privileged) children about life.”

The second unrelated story has to do with a close and godly girlfriend of mine who has now moved to Singapore. For years she and her husband struggled with infertility. I remember when visiting her in the hospital, her flat remark that her pain threshold was probably just super-high. Like me, she had been prescribed the Pill for a decade (well when I was unexpectedly pregnant with Rockstar I had been taking the Pill consistently for 5 years straight; her case is more severe) for elevated risk of endometriosis, among others. She had wanted to conceive so badly she insisted on going off the Pill – whereupon within just 7 months she had grown at least one 2-inch lump that had to be surgically removed.

Within a month of completion of adoption papers (apparently quite unheard of if you are trying to adopt a Hong Kong child, not a child from the Mainland – and I’ve actually told this story before, ages ago) she and her husband had been matched with a perfect little baby girl.

The girl’s biological parents were both 12 years old. My girlfriend would go on to tell me that her understanding from the social worker was the biological parents appeared to not have really known what they were doing could still result in pregnancy. (How my friend described it to me was the mother had noticed changes in her daughter and had been monitoring her, but simply couldn’t imagine the symptoms were due to pregnancy until the girl was already 5 months along).

I’m going to avoid saying anything else beyond the absolute joy with which this baby girl  (two months older than Rockstar and very articulate, last I remember before they left Hong Kong) was received into my friend’s home. One day my friend mused how she and her husband both had family histories with elevated risk of cancer and other serious illnesses which their daughter didn’t inherit, praise the Lord.

2) Second Smartest Person In The World (by IQ tests) Interviewed. What does he do for a living btw? Writer for tv shows. (Sorry, NASA)

Unrelated, and yet mildly so – couple days ago Rockstar was doing some IXL math on the computer and by way of conversation we asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said “I want to build a better video game than Minecraft”. (Sorry again, NASA :D)

2) Because that’s what a Harvard education is for… Anyone realize there are Harvard grads who choose Hollywood (and basically the entertainment business)? Offhand that I know of – Matt Damon, Conan O’Brien, Tommy Lee Jones, Natalie Portman and Will Smith’s movie trailer which didn’t officially spend the requisite 3 years but should be receiving an honorary degree very soon.

"Where's my PhD?"

“Where’s my PhD?”

You need that PhD to come up with a tv screen behind the makeup mirror!

You need that PhD to think of putting a tv screen behind the makeup mirror!

This whole second floor with 14 TVs, Will Smith uses to "conduct business"

This whole second screening floor with 14 TVs, Will Smith uses to “conduct business”. The people showing the trailer remarked how serious he is about his work (his work IS watching movies and stuff) that he didn’t have some “fun” thing like massage parlor or jacuzzi

3) Intel invests in 13 Year Old CEO’s Startup.

Shubham Banerjee, the 13 year old CEO of Braigo

Shubham Banerjee, the 13 year old CEO of Braigo

Braigo = Braille + Lego, after the Braille printer he built out of your regular Lego Mindstorm kit

Braigo = Braille + Lego, after the Braille printer he built out of your regular Lego Mindstorm kit

4) Have you heard of the Entrepreneurship Preschool? Yes seriously. Because “…many of the soft, interpersonal skills that make a good startup founder just don’t get taught in traditional schools….”

Self-esteem, independence and problem solving skills feature prominently.

entrepreneurship preschool in action

5) 10 Lesser-Known Youtube Stars. Picked this because it was more varied than your average top-20 Youtube-r of the astronomical hits and subscribers who…… yes posts gaming videos. (Yes Minecrafters feature prominently, not always with the cleanest language.)

6) The Girls have the skit this week, titled Who’s Adopted Whom (Or, A Dog And Her Little Girl):

"I've Got You Babe"

“I’ve Got You Babe”

Hard to tell whose prouder...

Hard to tell who’s prouder… (Note matching expressions)

But wait, that's not what we're REALLY about... Let us SHOW you...

But wait, that’s not what we’re REALLY about… Let us SHOW you… Here’s the wind up to the throw…….

And... "BOOYA!" This what the girls' about!

And… “BOOYA!” This what the girls’ be about! (Yeah both are pretty sporty)

Good weekend, dears…

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Rockstarism #342 / Miss-Speak #27 – Something Else About The Honesty Policy In This Household

#342/ #27

Me: It’s evaluation season soon, how do you think you guys did?

Rockstar: I think I did fine… Good…

Me: That’s nice dear, do you think it’s because you worked hard?

Rockstar: Lots of kids do well in these things, Mum. <shrugs>

Me: <turning to the Miss> How do you think you did?


Me: As in, think you’ll get a good report? (Btw the reason I don’t think it’s stressful to her to ask this question with or without Rockstar around is because in the past when I’ve more carefully asked her, “You want to be a good girl, don’t you?” She’s given me a “No, thank you.” Fearless and not eager to please, she’s her own little person…)

Miss: No, no.

Me: <not sure if she’s being funny> Uh… You don’t think we’ll hear good things about you when the time comes?

Miss: No.

Me: Why not?

Miss: <seriously> Fight boys. Fight (boys name).

Me: If you think fighting with a boy is going to earn you a bad report then why on earth were you fighting with a boy?

Miss: Boy naughty.

Me: Then Miss not naughty for fighting with boy??

Miss: No, not naughty. 

Me: But… you do believe fighting with that boy is going to get you in trouble? Then why would you fight with that boy?

Miss: Heee.

Rockstar: <thoughtfully> So she’s fighting with boys now… I think she’s going to be one of those girls I used to hate at school when I was younger (he means during Kindy age – he used to really hate girls). Those bossy ones – HEY!

(Miss unceremoniously flings herself across the book he’s reading, with a straight face.)

And I didn’t take a picture of the book carnage but here’s another circus act…   

photo 1-87  photo 3-61

photo 2-84 photo 4-45  

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