Rockstarism #319 – Attitude Problem


Miss: <theatrical frowning and finger waggling> Notti JD. Notti Ko-ko. Notti. 

Rockstar: <barely blinking> I told you Mum, there’s something wrong with her attitude.


He said...

He said…

She said.

She said.

Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

Eye Candy For The Weekend

1) Helper by day, photographer by night. Xyza Cruz Bacani’s black-and-white photography caught the attention of the New York Times recently…

This my favorite, with her quote, "When you see the light you have to move fast, otherwise it's gone"

This my favorite,…

”When you see the light, you need to press the shutter… Or else it’s gone.” Her story, on Hong Wrong, here.

And yes, she’s a domestic helper – of an aged Chinese-Aussie woman, I think it said. A former nursing student, she joined her mother in HK 9 years ago and they’re both helpers here today. She’s paid overtime, which she spends on camera equipment.

(I’m guessing as an “in-demand” smart and capable helper she is just never taking a job with a bigger family, little kids or annoying dogs or etc… The best helper we ever had quit the moment Rockstar was born; we had a second one destroy many, many things to get herself fired when she realized I was pregnant with the Miss. A friend tells me we’re lucky she didn’t destroy the flat screen tv, which happened to her… Not discounting the mistreated ones of course; mistreatment shouldn’t happen to anyone…)

SO, I’m guessing this photographer-helper is very in-demand. She can pick and choose, including the home she gets to live in while she’s working on the photography career, other job specifics (whether she has to take care of kids or pets or old folk or too-big home)… And still command a good premium.

SO, don’t disrespect helpers in HK. More than meets the eye 😀

For which I like this pic - this is like helper's phone on Sunday in CWB - but captured in this frame dis is art.

For which I like this pic – this is like helper’s phone on Sunday in CWB – but captured in this frame dis is art.

2) 2014 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest, Part II. Seriously. Can you think of a more snore-some and un-characteristic title for this:

Uh... yawn?

Uh… yawn?

Zzzzz. No, really.

Zzzzz. Literally.

3) Serious Eye Candy. But why it’s here is because of the simplicity yet effectiveness of the idea: Journalist has her face photoshopped in 25 different countries to illustrate different beauty ideals. Now there’s a cool constructive use for photoshop.

Before Pic

“Before” Pic

And my favorite after from Bulgaria

And my favorite “after” from Bulgaria

(Cos it looks to be about the closest resemblance, aside from smoother skin and blue-er eyes… And seriously what is up with some of them in the link, she looked better before some of the photoshopping… Which goes to show the huge margin of error you need to allow in this story – in places like “USA” itself you will probably get wayyyy different results depending who and where within the States you sent that thing too… And of course there are “good” and “bad” photoshopping skills of every nationality…)

4) Serious, Serious Eye Candy. The Pugs of Westeros! Inspired. You know Game of Thrones has reached new heights when the pug people start getting excited (remember the batman pug craze?).

Before pic


5) More swoon-some serious – ah you get the idea. 25 Cutest Animal Parenting Pictures

I actually can remember a walk Kings and I might have had with Rockstar that looks like this but with me pregnant and JD digging about for a stick

6) 18 Books That Changed My Life. (Well, the author’s life.) First two I’m hoping to search out:

“The Power of Full Engagement” by Jim Loehr

  • It’s not about how much time you have in your day but how you allocate your energy.
  • You need to allocate time for yourself to recharge.
  • Spend time with people that give you more energy.

“Your Brain at Work” by David Rock

  • Different ways to organize and prioritize your day to maximize productivity.

7) The Girls have our skit this week, loosely titled Climb Every Mountain for a livelier spin on Mother Abess’ (Peggy Wood’s) rendition, because I’ve still got residual Sound of Music fever.

"Someday, little human, you shall climb mountains like me..."

Spot the Dog. This is an actual game Kings and I used to play, one of us puts JD on Sit/Down-Stay and the other one tries to find her 

JD: Someday, little human, you shall climb mountains like me…”


Things that make ya go “hmmm…”

Miss: What if I want to move them, not climb them? 

Thought for the week…

Good weekend, dears…

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 4 Comments

Days of Past Past

So it’s been a crazy couple days/ week; there were routine medical checkups, a bit of a tummy bug, school stuff re both kids…. And so this is a post totally lacking in guile and wit, just to fill in the gaps before I find my writing marbles again…

Approaching the end of Year 2 for Rockstar will be…. kind of a biggie, socially. Rockstar’s year gets a reshuffle of classes, which means this time they won’t just get a new teacher, they’ll get new classmates. (Not all new, but majority new). Before the letter goes home, there’s some chatter, and after it goes home…………. The whole excitement thing is just freaking trippy. It can really take up your phone message memory space if you play the Kevin Bacon Game, but with classmates, former classmates from Kindy/ various other activities (yes, even Sunday school!), neighbors, and just Kid And Parent You Met Randomly 😀  There’s camp, extra classes, and yes playdates (which should really be called play-learning dates)… That should be Playdates, capital P.

Attempt at the arty-farty, and titled, "Friends".

Attempt at the arty-farty, and titled, “Friends”.

Social skills are another biggie epiphany I had about schooling nowadays, where back in our own day I think we used to be evaluated a lot more heavily on academics only (as a very general statement… Robert Kiyosaki’s Why “A” Students Work for “C” Students and “B” Students Work For The Government comes to mind.. The review at puts it, “The book urges parents not to be obsessed with their kids’ “letter grades”…..and focus, instead, on concepts, ideas, and helping their child find their true genius, their special gift…” There is something about social adeptness that is a lot harder to quantify than simply grades, I believe, and I think Mr Kiyosaki’s book title puts it pretty succinctly…)

I won’t say too much, suffice to say a hot topic was who’s going to be classmates with whom. I don’t mean this in like, a scary way, but it’s a bit of an illustration of an incentive to try your best to erm, “parent” your kid into being a good friend, good team mate in sports, good classmate… (Because your kid is still a kid, and while you want to cut him/her slack, society – his social life and friends and even other parents, might not. Other parents talk. Sometimes kids repeat. Well, “everyone” talks, and then when you have parents ……we’re not exactly the voice of calm and sanity all the time you know, because we have children!! And this is Hong Kong-of-the-toddler-interview-tuition and in-vitro-Mandarin-classes!!) So y-eah, that kinda thing. No one likes to think someone is saying anything negative about their kid <signs to ward off evil>, so instead lemme focus on the huge rise the parents of the “nice” kids – popular, or “Alpha” – might be enjoying, at this time. It’s like the last two years of a mini Karma cycle in parenting and class behavior all come back. One of Rockstar’s good friends likes to say, “Life is like a boomerang.” Why yes, Rockstar’s friend was also 6.

Imitation can be the best form of compliment. Everyone hoping to be classmates and friends with your kid has gotta be wonderful encouragement for your kid to keep up the good work, which is just a whole nice cycle of warm and fuzzy.

Things that make ya go  "hmmmmm..."

Things that make ya go

ps: Title dedicated to the latest brilliant X-men installment

pps: Funny old pic of the Miss that every time I look at causes me to go, “High on the hills was a lonely goatherd……….”

Posted in School For Rockstar | 2 Comments

Rockstarism #318 – Girls Are Heavier Than Boys


Rockstar’s schoolwork has been coming home again….

Me: Does that say…….

Rockstar: <chirpily> “I am 18kg…….. Most of the boys were lighter than most of the girls! ……The heaviest were mostly girls and the lightest were mostly boys!” Oh, are you putting that on the blog? Please add, “And to any girls reading this, Well Done! You are heavier than most boys!” Pretty cool, right?

Me: Uh…

Forgot to check the date but I think this isn't too recent...

Forgot to check the date but I think this isn’t too recent…

*Crickets chirping*

*Crickets chirping*

Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

Little Miss-Speak #15: Happiness Is Craziness


Rockstar: Mum. She just fell over. 

Me: (Mildly concerned, but later I find he means face down on the bed, plank style.) What? Why?

Rockstar: <shrugs> I don’t know, because she’s crazy?

Miss: (still lying there) <muffled> Yes.

Me: (to Miss) Are you crazy?

Miss: <happily> Yess!

Happy Outfit

Happy Outfit? Crazy Outfit?



Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

Show Me Your Magic Weekend

1) In honor of World Cup Fever, Baby elephants show us the magic.

It's a baby elephant. It's a soccer ball. Good 'nuff.

It’s a baby elephant. It’s a soccer ball. Good ’nuff.

2) Followed closely by 32 Things That Existed In Science Fiction That Have Now Become Reality. Like the Star Trek PADD => iPad

grid-cell-24051-1402688231-2 anigif_original-grid-image-21765-1401222841-4

3) Business Insider’s 10 regrets you can avoid. Because I had either snarky, disagreeable or gushy things to say about some of them.

#1 – “Don’t buy things, buy experiences. A thing is a house. An experience is a trip.”

Right off I disagree. Things can be experiences. A house is a home can be an experience, right? And I’ve never had a travel bug because I hated that “broke” feeling when you return home. Speaking of which – wouldn’t it be great to return home to your own awesome house?

And yet. “…..An experience is a visit to that girl or guy on the other side of the world who said, “maybe”.

From the safety of never having been hurt that way, think of the “frendemy” you had growing up who becomes a friend. The ex who becomes a friend. Why? Because the experience is an interaction with another human being. Human nature is this terrible, wonderful, terrible thing. (Yes I did put the word “terrible” twice.)

An ex is someone who once got to see a part of you not everyone sees, who has the potential to give you a possible insight into your soul. (If they’re not a basket case. If you are not, either.) Which bit had not worked out? Why? Which bit did? I know some are going to super disagree, but if you have a “good” ex I think they can be invaluable friends.

So seek potential. Caveat: strive also to see if that potential can ever be realized. Which would bring me to…

In Rockstar’s words, “Stay away from black holes.” 

Under #4’s ho-hum header, “Don’t fall in love with someone who is in love with somebody else” (which I guess is kind of a given – I was more after the black hole metaphor) was this description in the link:

“These people ….. (have) sucked all the love out of the room so when you walk in, it’s already too late, you’re past that zone in the black hole where nothing ever gets out.” 

I’m borrowing this analogy not just to describe love, but also energy. There are things – people, animals, experiences, circumstances – that feed you energy and strength (for me the biggest one is faith), there are others that suck it away. Nothing can withstand a black hole; there will be nothing of you left if you are giving all the time only. I just mean, it is very noble, but you won’t be able to keep it up indefinitely like you really wanted to anyway, unless you get at least a little light or Oxygen coming back to you from somewhere. 

Why not go out there and find the source of your magic. Look everywhere. You never know, it might be in………….

4) Cute Bunny Pictures! 20 Adorable Bunnies Sticking Their Tongues Out.

It's a bunny thing

It’s a bunny thing

Honey Bunny, my Thing Someone Told Us Was A Rabbit when I was about 8 or 9, used to do that too. She wasn’t sweet, sometimes she was feral, but she still looked pretty cute when she stuck her tongue out. Seriously, it’s a slightly dangerous misconception that cute little animals don’t bite or inflict some bad scratches. JD, all 18kg border collie of her has never harmed a fly, but I can’t tell you how many times my pet rat, various hamsters and yes, Honey Bunny have drawn more than a little blood from me. Yes I got tetanus shots a lot.

5) O-r, the source of your magic might be in doing something like this:

Emma Stone & Andrew Garfield of Spiderman fame

Emma Stone & Andrew Garfield of Spiderman fame

These stars didn’t need the extra attention. So when they saw bunches of paparazzi hanging outside their eating place, they exited with cards that list charities and non-profits they support.

This is my favorite case of Everyone Wins. Aside from the obvious Non-profits Get Some Publicity, even the pesky paps and press who plague A listers get something better than their usual pic of celebs whose-outfits-shall-be-analyzed-to-death – doing this little stunt was bigger news. And it wasn’t even awful gossipy news.

6) Remember there were certain books/ stories that somehow made you feel so good just reading and re-reading them? Bet some of us have toys like that too. Especially when you sell them for a truck load-a money. Everyone start digging up their storage nooow!

Like so.

Like so.

OMG I remember these bears!

OMG I remember these bears!

7) This weekend’s Rockstar Skit is – what else – Attack Of The Cuddle Monster Part II!!! (Note Rockstar’s facial expressions)

IMG_7835 IMG_7837 IMG_7838 IMG_7840 IMG_7841 IMG_7844

And there’s the magic.

Good weekend, dears… 

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 2 Comments

Rockstarism #317 – Who’s Messing With Whom


Going through Rockstar’s extra practice books for his Chinese writing…

Me: <anxiously> What does that say? How come there’s a big sad face next to that sentence?

Rockstar: Because that’s the date. 

Me: <still anxiously> That whole thing’s the date? Why are you unhappy about….

Rockstar: <helpfully> The 10th of June

Me: <still anxiously> Why are you unhappy about the 10th of June? What’s wrong with it? What happened?

Rockstar: I don’t like writing the date.

Me: Waitaminit. Is that really the date???

Rockstar: I was bored. Hee.

Me: Gonna sic your sister on you. (The Miss perks up)

Rockstar: NNNOOOOOO!!! 

Attack of the CuddleMonster!!!

Attack of the CuddleMonster!!!

ps: I took a second look. It really was the 10th of June. 

Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

Little Miss Speak #13 – The Lord’s Prayer The Miss’ Way


The Lord’s Prayer is the last thing we say as we fall asleep…..

Me: Our Father…

Miss: Ow Fah-thah…

Me: Who Art…

Miss: Who Art…

Me: In Heaven…

Miss: In Heaven…

Me: Hallowed be Thy name,

Miss: Mummy, sleep.

Me: Hallowed be Thy name,

Miss: Mummy, sleep.

Me: Hallowed…

Miss: <triumphantly> Hallowed!

Me: “Hallowed be Thy name,” too long?

Miss: Yes. 

Random pic

Random pic



Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

…Mission Accomplished

Sequel to Rockstar on a Mission… 

Rockstar on a mission!

Rockstar on a mission!

This was a workshop by custom designer pixelryasia (email for inquiries); they usually do jewelry for grownups, but recently offered a kids’ workshop to make medals/ pendants.

Rockstar drawing up the design...

Rockstar drawing up the design…

Rockstar did like, 5 different solar system drafts, but we still decided on the very first one...

Rockstar did like, 5 different solar system drafts, but we still decided on the first attempt…

'Cos Kings travels a lot... Solar system, geddit? :)

“We love you Daddy wherever you are” – Solar system, geddit? 🙂

More action shots…

IMG_7473IMG_7477 IMG_7478IMG_7471

It’s a bit meticulous, but not too difficult…

The bizarre coincidence is this bit happened maybe 3 weeks ago; and then Kings would tell us he had a big event Father's Day weekend, and initially would even have to fly off straight from there - yes, on Father's Day

The bizarre coincidence is this bit happened maybe 3 weeks ago; and then Kings would tell us he had a big work event Father’s Day weekend, and initially would even have to fly off straight from there – yes, on Father’s Day

Around the time I found out Kings is actually out for a lot of Father’s Day weekend, I was running back and forth for household supplies and to pick up the finished piece (the mold, carved in Rockstar’s handwriting, was sent to the factory to be cast in silver – and btw, Rockstar had to re-do the mold too, because while you have to carve the lines in fairly deeply, you do have to be careful it doesn’t pierce through the other side).

And then I opened the jewelry presentation box for the first time upon picking it up with lots of unglam grocery bags and things around me in the cab and saw:

OMG coincidence? We love you Daddy wherever you are.

OMG coincidence? “We love you Daddy wherever you are.”

Someone Up There knew Kings might have to be away for work/ travel? I didn’t think too much more about it then, except for the Huh? Interesting little coincidence-thing…

IMG_7909 IMG_7910

Then it was the Miss' turn...

Then it was the Miss’ turn…

(She threaded Kings’ medal and then I framed it, also a color changers keychain attached to the picture frames for the grandfathers, and then a bunch of photo frame gifts to decorate for other fathers in the family (I had them do keychains for the dads when my inlaw family had that recent HK trip, but then I thought maybe the frames for a favorite pic from the trip too – and had Rockstar write some notes to put in them…)

And the circus joined Kings at work for Fathers Day.

And then the circus joined Kings at work for Fathers Day.

This is them sticking it out in back while Kings was speaking, until the Miss started gabbling something... we exited just before she dropped her quiche on the carpet in front of our developer and some others

This is them sticking it out in back while Kings was speaking, until the Miss started gabbling something and people started turning around… we exited just before she dropped her quiche on the carpet in front of the developer and some others in the entrance <sweat>

IMG_7976  IMG_7977


It was a very busy weekend because both kids had some classmate’s events, bday or other.. And then I remembered the medal Rockstar made. We love you wherever you are.  

Posted in Rockstar Shots | 6 Comments

Unlikely Pet Into The Weekend, and more…

1) Dad Draws Cool Cartoons On Kid’s Lunchbag Every Day For Two Years, says the header.

Huh. Hate these overachievers pulling the curve up.

Huh. Hate these overachievers pulling the curve up. 😀 Kidding of course, this guy deserves a medal

Seriously though – how fast does this guy draw? Because usually we’re struggling to barely get to the bus stop on time in the morning…

 2) A Bulldog Lovestory (Though I prefer <appropriate accent> Because Igorrr Must Stay In Norrrrway <cue dramatic music> (Not racism; breedism. One commenter pointed out, “It’s a bulldog thing!”)

Most people like it, some reviews are mixed… I’d say it’s wayyyy a lotta work (they also have – is that 3 – kids?) and entertaining, nonetheless. Rather surprised the kennel let them paint the walls though, because I thought the smell might bother the dogs…

3) NASA’s Real Life Enterprise

Darn I used up my Beam Me Up Scotty Little Miss Skit already

Darn I used up my Beam Me Up Scotty Little Miss Skit already

(Flashback of “space onesie” and goggle-wearing Miss)

IMG_7507  IMG_7512

4) Scientific photographic proof cats are narcoleptic.

Dis is art.

Dis is art.

Though this one suits my header better

Though this one probably suits my header better

5) So… ants get a lotta fanfare about being super strong, let’s give the frogs some credit too. Frogs can lift 1.4 times their own body weight with just their tongue.



Basically, humans are just wimps. 

6) Oregon Wildfire Turns Evacuated Wedding Into Epic Photoshoot

Yes that's smoke from the giant wildfire

Yes that’s smoke from the giant wildfire

There’s lots more dramatic pics in the link, including one initially rather cheerily titled “Burning Love” which I would’ve instead given some witty and smart (but I couldn’t come up with one haha) caption from Gone With The Wind, but then I liked the road in this one.

U guys ever heard of that old psychology test where they ask you to picture a road before you can think it through? That road or path is how you view your life/ future. Straight ahead highway, winding road, etc. The whole happy hunky-dory happily ever after fairy tale of marriage is bull. Whatever a marriage experiences, whether it survives or not depends less on circumstance (barring “til death do us part”) and more on two people.

Now go back and look at that pic above. There is a freaking giant forest fire and wedding guests have just been evacuated (in fact, the story says they were initially supposed to have cleared out before they could be married, but the father-of-the-bride had teared up as he announced it and the firefighters decided they could be married quickly first.) Amidst the reality of the fire (without which there would be no smoke), the couple stand. No one is drunk, high, struggling with possibly futile and puny fire extinguishing equipment (btw some forest fires strangely good for nature) and there is the straight road ahead. Dis is art. Or why dis is my favorite wedding picture of the bunch. 

7) Miss Skit this week occurs at feeding time, and is titled How To Catch A Star. For real, meet Twinkle, her new pet star. There would’ve been pictures of her taking it walkies when we got it on Bumps to Babes run yesterday, but I was too busy being terrified she would let the thing go, it would fly away, and Armageddon would ensue. So, she is safely strapped in feeding chair. Snoresome, but not heart stopping, so there.

Oh yeah – the red nose is extra. She’s been coloring her nose with kiddie pens most recently. But then I look at these pics and there is faint circus music going in my head.

IMG_7935 IMG_7936

Happy Father’s Day Weekend, dears…

ps: Sorry for not updating “Rockstar on a Mission” yet – the suspense wasn’t deliberate; I underestimated how long Rockstar’s annual class party would take yesterday (Rockstar had loadsa fun though) and so I’m behind blogging… 

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