A Rockstar Book Review

Rockstar’s homework from some time ago… (Yeah I’m behind posting and trying to catch up both kids in school this week after massive festivities-hangover…)


Someone please shoot me a message if I misremembered, but I think the objective of this assignment was not so much about the choice of book, which could very well be a favorite fairytale; the exercise was for the kids to present their book review (and any props) to the class – i.e. public speaking and eye contact with their audience.

So story goes, first temptation was to choose something super “impressive” (y’know, like when Bridget Jones buys books for decoration kinda thing) but then……… Some of my friends were kind of, “Am I sending my child in with a book that’s too simple?” And then they would tell me they let their child choose the simpler book anyway because the first objective was that they be able to speak eloquently. And that’s why I’m blogging it – the theme that it’s harder to practice erm, “restraint”, to trade off complication in choice of book, for the first objective of the child being articulate in speaking about it…

Things that make ya go "Hmmmmm"

Things that make ya go “Hmmmmm”

Posted in School For Rockstar | 2 Comments

It Was Mother’s Day…

Color Splasher necklaces I had the kids make for my mum and my mother-in-law…

They turn color with warm or ice-y water... Rockstar used to have Cars toys made from the same material as these beads so he was all Yeah I Know These Things

They turn color with warm or ice-y water – note dark blue patterns… Rockstar used to have Cars toys made from the same material as these beads so he was all Yeah I Know These Things

This Mother’s Day I celebrated the blessing of my children by telling them we are making one necklace for Daddy’s Mummy and one for Mummy’s Mummy.

The 2 necklaces are almost identical; I’m not even sure which is in the pic and which is in the box. They look simple, but lemme tell you – when it’s an opinionated not-yet 2 year old doing most of the threading and an opinionated 6-year old who gets huffy at his sis and then abruptly goes, “Wait. It’s beads. Why am I even threading beads” <trots off to look for macho Star Wars-something> (So then we enlisted him on Gift Presentation Duty..)

(Super pretty and elaborate means not done by them, sadly. And I don’t think either grandmother wanted something made, they want something by the darling grandkids :D.) So it took awhile. 

It..... wasn't tha-at easy...

It wasn’t tha-at easy…

Some days, it was one bead. It is the most thoughtful Mother’s Day gift I could think of for Kings’ and my mums this year. Like, I don’t always manage to think of something. But in the end I think there was a lot of craft opportunity what with Wetlands Park on the weekend and the kids made something for all the grownups – keychains, bracelets, origami or etc… The Rockstars have warm, sweet cousins who give lots of cuddles! Not like a certain reserved Mr I Need My Personal Space haha so I was quite impressed his cousins will walk up to you and just give you a hug. Though what with the Miss being very sticky he is also getting there now…)

And THEN – something funny too – somehow Kings and I thought Mother’s Day was on Saturday. I called my own mum to wish her on Saturday. And then late morning on Sunday we realized Mother’s Day itself is SUNDAY <palms forehead> Actually quite dumb but honestly I had in my mind that the entire weekend is Mother’s Day anyway. So I called my mum to wish her on the actual day again and she laughed at me and said the nearest post office in Island Glades has closed down and so she hasn’t sent my card yet anyway <snort>.

Anyway my inlaw family is here for long weekend, and what with the heavy rain everyone went to Wetlands Park, and there was craft and gift giving there and I wanted to write something quickly because I’m already late to post which is why I didn’t wait for picture vetting and Kings is still zzz-ing from working late into the night after the Mother’s Day festivities but You Who Write Me An Email On Mother’s Day Just To Say Something Nice – you are why I rush things out. When I first agreed to blog for Kings’ platform, the idea of writing my thoughts publicly really scared me. Haters will read your blog a lot more carefully than people with good in mind. But you whom I don’t even know – thank you for the nice emails. For texts and FBs.

The blog helps me learn – from making me think more, try harder, knowing it’s out there and more critical than supportive people read it. (Lemme just say – it’s a lot easy to shoot something anonymously.) So, you supportive people who share your ideas (What, you think I’m just really good at parenting? <snort> I wasn’t even a kiddie person until Rockstar was born, I’ve said many times) and send encouragement out of the blue. You have no idea how much that means to me.

A BIG THANK YOU to my inlaw family for the scented red flower and unicorn!

And a BIG THANK YOU to my inlaw family for scented red flower and unicorn! (I mention because everyone in the club Bel Air region will know the clubhouse hands out yellow and pink tulips when ’tis the season)

I’m sure the Miss loves the horsie too. The Miss And I Shall Share Unicorn! (Wow I get new material every day)

Sorry we couldn't share the unicorn with you, JD, but we can share the two packets of "bis-kits" I also received!

(JD looks like that because she was not in the mood for pics, not because she picked up the unicorn and I had to shampoo it last night – but we can certainly give her a taste of the cookies I also got!)

Happy Mothers Day To All.

ps: Too many of my friends had difficulties conceiving, complications and fears during pregnancy….. Both Rockstars were delivered by semi-emergency (he wasn’t dropping and they couldn’t see why; after they opened me up they realized it was because the chord was unusually short and wrapped round his neck – natural birth would have been dangerous) and emergency (she was early, there was no warning – we were literally about to go for regular 3km walk on the Peak with JD and dropped by the hospital “just to be sure” – they put a tag on me and said “you’re not leaving til you’ve had the baby”) C-section. I have to remember to be thankful.

Mother’s Day is not just about celebrating all the hard work mothers do. It’s for mothers to be thankful for one of the greatest gifts we have been blessed with. Praise the Lord.     The responsibility  and the opportunity to discharge said responsibility to the very best of our ability is an honor. 

Posted in Rockstar Shots, Talking To Rockstar | 2 Comments

Friday Frontiers

1) Only the Best Comeback To That Popular Kids’ Phrase, “It’s Not Fair”.


2) Oh, to go forth, where you thought no person had been….. Until you find a Mc Donald’s there. Don’t know why I thought of that. With Rockstar’s learning unit about transport, we were following up on how you need good infrastructure – you can’t carry building materials, food, medicine without roads. At some point people need to eat…. When some big chain store comes in is when you know it’s a town 😀

And then there is the Mc Donald’s Happy Meal. Cheap little plastic toy people queue up for, resell on Ebay… Like, why? Some collectors’ stuff are basically junk to everyone else, but Willing Buyer Very Happy Seller Demand And Supply Curve Confluence = An Actual Market For This Stuff.

Again, WHY?

The answer is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. A real one. Cos you figure out turning junk to treasure (think of the markup!) and you’re golden. It’s in the arches.

And baby hedgehogs who become internet celebrities after losing a tooth.

Dis is Norman

Dis is Norman

3) Harvard Student Invents Makeup Printer. Oh, to go forth, – oh wait I said that already. There we go: “The makeup industry… charges a huge premium on something that tech provides for free.” 

Thinking Outside A Box Looks Like A Box

Thinking Outside A Box Looks Like A Box

Demo, interview and I Cant Believe She Pulled That Off all in link above. Just totally inspiring little girls who want to prettify themselves like the Disney Princesses, everywhere. (They can invent printers!)

4) Another beautiful, inspiring one. (Wow there’s loadsa these this week!) Artist turns trash into homes for the homeless, in Homeless Homes Project.





Also inspiring for Rockstar’s school’s Green Week – today’s Trashion Fashion day, all the kids are on Dress Casual day in green, blue or brown, or something made of recycled stuff – on school run I passed two little girls wearing really nice rosette brooches (as in can sell for money nice) and headbands with top hats. I couldn’t think of much because it’s been hectic and my inlaws and Kings’ siblings will be here tomorrow to celebrate my mother-in-law for Mother’s Day, so I just salvaged one of Rockstar’s recycled bottle submarines-with-propellor from a science club activity, and took two mins to cut up another plastic bottle to tape to it as an arm/ hand band…

5) Dangerdust are two anonymous students who create chalk drawings. I mean, really, really nice drawings.

Peter Pan and all

The quote is even better

6) On the back of that quote, Mothership’s 5 Reasons Why I Left Singapore To Move To Korea On My Own. It’s not what you think.

It's this.

It’s this.

7) This week The Rockstars’ skit is titled How You Bring The Magic Into Your Ko-ko’s Comfort Zone.

Rockstar: Nuh-uh. No way. I'm on a Personal Space Issues Day.

Rockstar: Nuh-uh. No way. I’m on a Personal Space Issues Day. (Note the Miss’ pout)

Miss: Come on guys, a little a help please?

Miss: Come on guys, a little help getting him down please?

"Fine I'll wait until he's asleep. ...But then I might be too."

“Fine I’ll wait until he’s asleep. …But darn, then so am I.” (Caveat: they can both kick REAL HARD)

"Success! QED!"

“Success! QED!”

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend, dears.

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 2 Comments

Caveat Emptor iPhone 5, But Nice Save, IFC Apple People…

This is my third screen in less than 6 months. (Nowadays we insure with purchase). The much more sensitive iPhone 5 screen is also wayyy more fragile than the iPhone 4. (Later another mum friend would tell me they have much improved thick screen protectors to get around that; I forgot to ask at the store.)


So if you didn’t already guess….. it’s kind of a slow tech day. But the good people at Uncle Disneyland the IFC Apple flagship store deserve a medal. I rush the Miss fresh from Chinese class down with me, knowing I have barely 90 mins to get through Pok Fu Lam into Central, get someone to look at the phone and back, swinging something to eat at some point before then volunteering in Rockstar’s class (buggy making!) y’know, just in case startling 29 kids by passing out from low blood sugar is not a very good idea. (29 because Rockstar will just say, “Sometimes I fall down too. Sometimes it’s even on purpose.” <been there done that face> (It’s true, he’s at that stage where clowns falling down are hilarious. Mummy is a clown. This job gets just better and better every day.))

But yay Apple People – because I’d never been here for servicing and didn’t know you need to submit a queue number beforehand. Blue-shirted kids with perfect English (ok, adult-sized kids since they are under 30) eye the Miss, agree with me this “isn’t going to work” when I stop a stool much taller than Her Highness from falling over, and steer us to a kids corner where she is the only one little person to two iPads loaded with kiddie games at two kiddie-friendly tables with poufs. That match the Apple store decor, no less.

We were right there yesterday (pic from thatssofetch.com)

We were right there yesterday but it wasn’t as crowded as in the pic. Just the normal Apple Store crowded (pic from thatssofetch.com)

And the kiddie tables were somewhere to the right of Apple logo on second floor (pic from hkapplestore.com)

And the kiddie tables were somewhere to the right of Apple logo on second floor (pic from hongkongapplestore.com)

They also give me a quick lesson on using iTunes, after they take a look at the phone. And all around it’s super crowded and busy. So I agree with the Miss – AP-PLE AWE-SUMM.

A-and, this night the Miss decided her PJs needed something a little extra. Y’know, because one must match one’s dog.


Posted in Rockstar Shots | 1 Comment

Rockstarism #313 – If I Doodle, The Faces Will Be Smiling…


Rockstar’s past school work has been coming home as he finishes books… 

Me: (looking through his math exercise book) Very good darling.. Well done… Why are there so many faces?

Rockstar: You’re supposed to draw smiley face, normal or sad face depending on whether you found the work hard. 

Me: And what is pig face supposed to mean?



Rockstar: <slightly huffy> It doesn’t matter as long as it’s either smiling or isn’t. The important thing is, the pig is smiling.

Me: Uh… And this toothy thing… That’s either a grinning…  Or grimacing… What is this, a smiling dinosaur?

Not dinosaur meh...

Not dinosaur meh…

(Rockstar rolls his eyes)

Me: Shark?


Me: <defensive> How was I supposed to know, you gave him pointy teeth. I thought it was a dinosaur.

Rockstar: He was sitting next to me. I looked up and he was watching me draw faces and he said “draw me!”. And then he did this <pulls exaggerated grin from ear to ear>

Me: He has pointy teeth?

Rockstar: That’s because I was trying to be funny.

Me: Oh ok, how’s that working out for you?

Rockstar: He loved it. <shrugs> But he’s my friend so of course he loves it. 

Me: And… can I assume any pigs or dinosaurs or portraits of your friends that I find in here are all going to be smiling? (i.e. he shouldn’t be doodling if he hasn’t finished/ found the work fairly easy)

Rockstar: Yeah, yeah they’re all smiling… Sheesh.

(He’s right though. To his credit they were all smiling and the work was fine.) 

"Hi Daddy"

“Hi Daddy”

Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

Little Miss-Speak #9 – She Speak What She Speak


At Hong Kong park recently…

Me: Look, Miss! Look, it’s a turtle! Turtle! What do you see?

Miss: <points at turtle> That. 

Me: What is it?

Miss: That. See that.

Me: That is a turtle. Tur-tle. Can you say turtle?


Me: I thought you knew that one, turtle?


Me: That’s strange, I was quite sure you knew “Turtle.”

Miss: <Flat, end-of-discussion-tone> See that. 

Me: <mild exasperation> But what is that? What do you see?

Miss: <looks up abruptly and gasps> B-uhd! Looo-Look! B-uhd!

Me: Very good, there’s a bird flying overhead. And what’s that right in front of you?

Miss: <looks to the side><excitedly> Buh-tee-fly! Buh-tee-fly!

Butterfly flutters off unperturbedly…

Miss: Buh-tee-fly go! 

Me: <giving up> Ok let’s go too, next pond. Come darling, next pond. Bye-bye, we’re moving on.

Miss: Bye, Turtle. 




Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

To Pee, Or Not To Pee, This Friday…

1) To Pee, or Not To Pee, Is That Really The Question? People get more and more upset after Public Urinating Toddler Incident…….. This for the folks reading me who don’t live in HK – Google “Public Urinating Toddler In Mongkok” and you will find lotsa stuff; it will however soon become apparent why I am not putting up a visual…

Now, in the interests of full disclosure, some years ago I was livid at my daft helper for instructing Rockstar to pee in a not-discreet-enough bush, when he had to go urgently. Someone recognized Rockstar and took a cellphone pic (thankfully not during the deed) and a mummy I know who lives wayyyyy on the other side of HK sent me the pic so I could see just where Rockstar and helper had been (I am forever grateful to the mums who dithered about whether and how to tell me and then did so discreetly.)

In response to my chagrin and horror, a friend of mine, formerly a Kindy teacher said, “Sometimes when little kids need to go…..”

Thing is, I know how I felt, at the thought of someone taking a picture of that. Now the latest big thing about the Mainland toddler peeing publicly in Mongkok – there is Youtube footage of the altercation between the child’s parents and the men who took the picture but what struck me was how while the mum is fighting with the men who took the picture, the toddler who appears fairly quiet initially eventually starts crying.

The peeing and the picture are just the catalyst to fighting over discussing things people have long been unhappy over. They could…… pick something else?

Because otherwise it becomes “Ok, let’s put up more signs indicating public toilets. Let’s pass more laws about public urinating or taking indecent pictures of children. Let’s print more flyers to educate people. Let’s……..” You could light up the public toilet signs like they do the casinos in Vegas and people are still going to be unhappy because that really wasn’t what people were unhappy with to begin with. Except you’ve now spent time, effort and money on flashing public toilet signs a la Vegas. Oh, more energy wasting. Oh, more paper flyers (wouldn’t put it past someone to do that next – some years ago I remember attendants handing me paper flyers at the Peak, which were meant to inform me of how to take care of my dog and more importantly how to properly pick up after my dog because apparently the whole problem is I don’t know how to care for or pick up after my dog and a flyer which I shall dutifully read all the way from points #1 – 10 or whatever will educate me.)

So, pick something else? Like, public spitting or shoving or not queueing for cabs or the latest riot about some firefly display not displaying fireflies or………. When you think about it just the toddler needing to pee is a flakey argument for what’s really bothering people anyway.

2) To see the world, in a drop of sea water….. 

To hold infinity, in the palm of your hand...

To hold infinity, in the palm of your hand…

Pic and break down of the critters in the photo here.

3) Hong Kong Red Bull Flugtag Next Weekend!

Dis is Team Mario

Dis is Team Mario

Nope, still don’t completely know what it is. But it sounds pretty cool. Something about a German competition where you have to launch a craft in the air with no batteries, machines or etc. This pic from last year’s was in the article:

So.... apparently this event is about things flying and landing in the harbor...?

Because donkey’s years after they invented proper flying machines they decided to go back and do something else.

4) Pregnant Victoria’s Secret Model Plans To Tell Her Daughter She’s “Smart”, Not “Beautiful”. Reminiscent of the former Ms Malaysia on my Facebook who just had a daughter and said on my FB she isn’t looking to encourage her daughter to take part in pageants. My most liberal of ex-boyfriends once discouraged me from trying modeling back in my late teens. Wasn’t difficult – I didn’t much like pictures and I never thought I had what it took to make big-time. So then not big-time, don’t bother – anything in-between is just a distraction, you’re better off being a banker. (BACK THEN. Don’t scream at me.) I mean, if you were Cindy or Claudia maybe, that’s what I thought. But now Douetzen Kroes. She did make bigtime and she’s still saying the same thing. Epiphany Alert.

Though…. while we’re on it…. parenting books will strongly advise you to praise effort, not potential ability. I guess that includes telling a child they are “smart.” Well the more obvious is potential ability may not be realized and you are setting up a child to rely on their potential, rather than hard work, when everyone needs to work hard no matter how gifted. (Think about it – if you do not first master a language, none of your brilliant ideas can be communicated in that language, and it doesn’t matter how brilliant said ideas are).. I speed-read articles or books, and can’t remember any one source I read it from – well Brain Rules For Baby probably says it too… Ironically praising potential ability actually makes it harder for potential ability to be realized (“I’m smart, I don’t need to work so hard”)…

I do think praising effort makes it easier for kids to be happy though. Finding joy in doing your personal best trumps hankering after being number 1 any day (especially since “number 1” or failing to reach that can have little to do with real effort). If kinda bothers me a little how you can win without trying and try without winning. Sure, some wins are great for career advancement and stuff, but how about happiness as a goal too, why not place your child’s emotional well-being and self esteem on something a little more certain than who they are competing against? And when you praise effort over natural ability, there’s always something you can find to praise sincerely…  

5) Sorry, was that too many words? Lemme make up for it. Model mums with their kids. SO nice to see supermodels in flip flops and tees on school run or pushing a stroller. Sure there are some red carpets, but we can all swing like, one red carpet look with kids in tow a year, right?

You know, a non-supermodel might actually be able to pull off this look! Shades and tee? Check. Messy stroller? Check. Little kid to sit in it? Check!

You know, a non-supermodel might actually be able to pull off this look! Shades and tee? Check. Messy stroller? Check. Little kid to sit in it? Check!

6) Yet another Creative Father Does Crazy Photo Manipulations Of 3 Daughters.

I love this one

I love this one

Though this one is both horrifying and funny (note little girl's expression)

Though this one is both horrifying and funny (note older girl’s expression)

6) Something a little more arty… 20 Modern Famous Painting Remakes. I still didn’t “get” all of them yet, but it gets you thinking. Man in woman’s poses, beer and McDonald’s… And hey, you know Shakespeare actually wrote a lot of x-rated stuff, right? Thought-provoking entertaining pieces back in the day – not so unlike thought-provoking entertaining not-for-kids works today. 

Oh, and I "got" this one. I've always loved Magritte.

Oh, and I “got” this one. I’ve always loved Magritte.

7) Couldn’t resist, following the Magritte-and-look-alike… For The Children, Put Down The Smartphone

8) Two teenaged dreams:

Paralyzed High School Hockey Player Takes ESPN Host To Prom. He dared ask.

Then-15 year Old Develops Pancreatic Cancer Test 168 times faster, over 26,000 times less expensive and over 400 times more sensitive. He dared try. (Oh, and he still got almost 200 rejection letters.) If the video doesn’t load in the link, you can skim the transcript like I did…

9) And um… The Rockstar public service message this weekend is Hair Embellishments Are In…

...so it must be goods.

Unimpressed Rockstar and Enlightened Miss

 Good Weekend, dears…

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 2 Comments

Back To School

Morning hair, chicken pate sandwich the remains of which JD calls dibs on and I'm supposed to carry back to her from the bus stop (instead of throw away)...... So what's new?

Morning hair, chicken pate sandwich the remains of which JD calls dibs on and I’m supposed to carry back to her from the bus stop (instead of throw away)…… So what’s new?

This is Rockstar proudly in his new house t-shirt for games and PE. Very opportune routine ordering of larger-size/ replacement school gear several months ago yielded a note inquiring if we’d like to wait for the new house shirts to come out because they were out of the old ones in Rockstar’s intended size. I was like Sure, and promptly forgot about it. Then Rockstar got them home first thing before games and PE this week and they turned out to be a real hit with him and his friends, an extra motivator for Back To School…

When I saw only the bright purple collar I was OMG What An Ugly Shirt. Then we took it out of the bag and I had to really eat my words. The sleeve trim and side streamline make the shirt look much sportier than the old one, and there’s our Kennedy purple. Rockstar says it almost makes him want to play rugby. Almost :D. He’ll settle for school pride (they ever have inter school science quiz he might ask if he can go in his PE kit :D)

This is a clearer picture taken today, where you can actually see the sides - like the few mum friends we compared notes with - loves!

This is a clearer picture today after school, where you can actually see the sides – like the few mum friends we compared notes with – loves!

The pic – also a lesson in……. school social activity. Note the paper….. thing Rockstar is holding. Remember when Rockstar would give friends Star Wars Force Attax cards, both the new unopened packs and his duplicates? We’re not the only ones by a long shot. In some random Pay It Back Forward, Rockstar and Friends are forever doing little things like this for each other and some days it’s really heartwarming. (That one he’s holding was made for him by a classmate who’s really good at folding the things, and I’m guessing distributes his foldings like Rockstar distributes Star Wars trading cards. There’s kids who fold things for him, there’s kids who teach him how to make paper swords out of rolls of scrap paper)..

And Paper Thing abruptly reminded me of a few other stories reciprocal niceness that I’d eventually heard from Rockstar. Here’s a few more recent ones:

1) Rockstar had one friend sometime back whom he observed always let him play whatever he wanted at play time (they apparently still do play together but this friend also goes off to play with other kids who play games Rockstar has no interest in). Weeks/ months later when Rockstar had Force Attax packs, he gave this friend extra. He said it was for letting him play every game he’d wanted to play for many weeks.

2) Another friend of Rockstar’s brought in a Transformer Lego toy for his Show n Tell, that came from Rockstar’s birthday loot bags last year. That would Dec 20 and the last day of school, a fun-filled half day some more, before Christmas break. Seeing his friend remember and bring that in more than 4 months later gave Rockstar a major boost, recently. Frankly, I don’t even know where Rockstar’s is. And those Lego pieces are small.  It was probably one of the most sincere and heartfelt thank you’s he’s ever had – seeing the toy kept nicely and not chucked away. (I jumped at the opportunity to point out what a sincere thank you felt like and to remember to do the same.)

3) Yet another friend of Rockstar’s, whom he’d given some unopened packs of Force Attax cards to, observed that Rockstar had given him unopened packs, and promised that if he came across any of the valuable “Power Up” cards Rockstar needed to complete some sets-within-sets, he would bring them back. He did.

So anyway. Back to school, where I was reminded of a heartwarming lesson:

If you would have a friend, be one.

Oh yeah and this was The Miss' back to school outfit...

Oh, and this was The Miss’ back to school outfit…

Posted in Rockstar Shots, School For Rockstar | 4 Comments

This Is What We Do To Children In Danang (Oh, And Angsana Lang Co’s A Pretty Good Stay, Too)

In Vietnam, you can do these things to children.

Kings has been (and will be) away a lot, and so when the Mountain has to travel, Mohammed strives to follow, if only to change a few diapers and make sure the kids get some Daddy time… We didn’t actually do much, it was such a short trip, BUT because Rockstar had a holiday homework assignment involving transportation, the trip came in very useful (one of the reasons we went with – I couldn’t make Rockstar’s big school field trip where they travelled all over HK taking all manner of public transport – mums in other schools even asked me about it and… I had not much to say <hangs head> because I couldn’t go <hangs head again>; with the Miss taking up my mornings I could mostly only give Rockstar afternoons, not whole day field trip attendances.)

Idly, I remember for the umpteenth time one of my RMs telling me his reason for having just two kids is because unless they are more widely spaced out in terms of age, you are going to be hard-pressed to give more than two enough attention. (Interesting fact, my mum once wrote me nicely, asking “Would 4 grandkids be too much to ask…?” :D) Well I know several working mums who can’t swing regular weekly volunteering and so apply for leave on trip days and give their kids the whole day instead; I used to do similar when Rockstar was sick etc…….

You see, ladies and gents, this is how one transports an older child around a swimming pool.

You see, ladies and gents, swimming is for peasants, huge plastic balls are the only way to transport your elder children

…..But no, I didn’t ultimately send the Rockstar In Huge Ball pics for his project because I thought people didn’t really run around in large plastic balls to get places while in/on water, they used umm, boats……

Was great for doing this, though

We did this instead

Like, we totally lucked out, because those paper-cutting cards were in the hotel gift shop and the nice lady at the counter took out a whole box from the store for me to dig through to find all the transportation ones. They even let me unwrap and open the cards so I could see which had transportation-related insides… And Kings was conveniently busy with work while I was putting stuff together… His quip is too good not to post, “Buffalo also transport, what.” Yes, we got the buffalo card 😀

Seriously, how awesome are these cards???

Seriously, how awesome are these cards??

As for the Angsana Lang Co in Danang, there is one thing in particular I really appreciate:   Best is to illustrate via Room Service. We had an order form for in-room breakfast packages at about USD 20 per head. I couldn’t find any suitable permutation or combination that didn’t have a lot of stuff we didn’t particularly want to eat (I didn’t like over-ordering when we were both bankers; when Kings is doing business I am even more against it*), and after putting together an a la carte order, breakfast for the 4 of us on one room service order (I also pack basic oatmeal porridge “just in case” – and luckily I also packed all the diapers, wipes etc we needed because otherwise we’d have been hard-pressed to find all the stuff we were used to)……. came to less than USD 20 in total.

Picture-worthy meal

Things that make ya “Mmmmmmm” – Picture-worthy meals

Our coffee supply was free with the room, there was a steady supply of drinking water and fruit also free – someone knocks on the door with a heavily laden cart filled with plastic crates and fruit (mango, dragon fruit and Vietnamese Apples)….. both Rockstars now love Vietnamese Apples. We all do. I have to hunt them down back in HK someday.

Vietnamese apples - pic from notquitenigella.com

Vietnamese apples – pic from notquitenigella.com

My point is not that it’s all “cheap”. My point is the staff don’t push you to over-order/spend, unlike not a few places in HK. They are generous about “extras” in a way that puts many “nice” places in HK to shame.

There is one particular place we frequent (when Kings is around) mainly because they have live music and comfortable changing facilities both of which the Miss particularly appreciates, where I have told off staff at least 3 times – because they always clear away drinks and food you have not quite finished with, and push your kids to repeatedly order juices or etc.

If you say “I’m not finished,” 10 mins later someone else will ask. And 10 mins after that. I lost it once, when a fifth person tried to clear it away. Another time, Kings thought he was ordering a scoop of ice cream for Rockstar but I think he said something like “do you have ice cream?” and the waitress simply said “yes” – what came was a huge dish with 5 or 6 scoops, wafers and various other trappings. And we had already eaten our lunch there, Kings just thought to offer Rockstar a simple scoop of ice cream before we left.

Kings was on the laptop and I was away with the Miss so we couldn’t even send it back when The Girls got back to the table because it was half melted. Rockstar had had his usual half-scoop and said he’d had enough. Only Kings and Rockstar on the table, they put the order in for the massive ice cream order without asking for clarification.

Now, I HATE wait staff who do this. It’s not like they are on commission, even. And wasteful over-ordering of food or drink in particular has long been a pet peeve of mine. I consider it to be a disrespect and lack of gratitude at one’s pecuniary good fortune, which is why even when I pulled good salary I feel very bad about extreme over-ordering. It denotes to me a lack of thankfulness at what you are blessed with, that many in the world do not even have. People who take advantage of this, what with all the other people in the world who are in poverty, should just be doomed to poverty themselves. (Seriously, why all these people no conscience, life so certain meh?)

Ok I shall stop the rant – basically this is why I really recommend Angsana Lang Co. The whole staff attitude is SO NOT pushy. At the gift shop where I was digging for Rockstar’s cards, they sell insect repellent. I ask the lady if we need it (Rockstar gets bad welts). Her answer? “Probably not. But we sell it anyway because some people still feel more comfortable if they’ve got it on. Can I show you anything else instead?” We still ended up with a membership discount card. And we are happy with that.

So, LOVE Angsana Lang Co. And they even did wonders for Rockstar’s school project.

Posted in The Little Miss Rockstar Guest Posts, Traveling With Rockstar | 2 Comments

Little Miss-Speak #8 – If At First You Don’t Succeed…


Distracting the Miss by letting her push futilely at the vending machine buttons while trying to listen to the sermon while on our church’s family floor, I thank my lucky stars she didn’t ask me to buy something……………… prematurely.

Miss: Pess. Pesss… Pess. Pesss…



Miss: <indicates Octopus card reader> Zap. ….<looks up at me> Zap. Pesss.


Me: But there’s nothing I want from this machine, darling.

Miss: <persuasively> Try. Try.

Me: – to want something from here? Coke, Coke Lite, Schweppes Lemon…… No really, darling, there’s nothing I want from this machine. And nothing you should either.

Miss: <persuasively> Try.

(So we find another machine with dried strawberries. This is her showing off her strawberry stains from the freeze-dried fruit she purchased.)



Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments