Actually I think “Sparkles” is easier to say, but what do I know…
(Calm down, that’s the very safe, non-toxic, water-based little kiddie version.)
Imagine her hard at work saying “Parskles” quietly to herself over and over and it’ll be about right…
The stuff comes off with (baby) soap and water and a little elbow grease, which is a good thing, since it gets all over the bed. The Miss has a couple classmates who come in with mum-and-daughter pedis, and while we’re really not there yet, she just loves “Parskles” so one day when I saw the little bottles at Bumps to Babes…….. (Later I realized there are many little kiddie mani-pedi activity boxes sold everywhere, plus also doll dress designing/ making… I bought some cut-out paper dolls but she doesn’t have much interest in dolls or clothes, just animals and paint.)
Now, if the Miss had been a girly girl I would’ve compensated for it, but at 22 months she doesn’t even look in the mirror at her outfits. I’ve met a Kiwi professional nanny who tells me she would lay out 3 different outfits for her 16 month old charge to choose from, by way of getting some color sense in, but the Miss, n-ot so much. Fortunately she is partial to pretty shoes or I might be ever-so-mildly concerned…
So “Parskles” it is…..
(Who’m I kidding, this is basically Toe Coloring. The Miss at the moment loves any kind of coloring activity….)
And here’s the money shot:
You know you are a princess, whether or not people acknowledge your lineage, when your Ko-ko and Daddy fork over their toes for you to “Parskle“.
Good to see Miss Rockstar enjoying herself. How did you teach her that those colours/sparkles are to paint nails only and not to use them on canvas or papers?
Didn’t really; she saw me paint a few of my own nails with it and there was no paper handy 😛 Considering she’s quite hyper, Parskles is good for a very valuable 5-10 mins of peace 😛