1) Some of the 50 best animal photos of 2012. Because I thought I had something smart to say about some of them.
Like so:
Because “You have a leopard in your water tank” sounds like it should be the start of a joke…
And so:
Move over, chickens.
And so:
Can you believe it’s not photoshopped?
And so:
At least one of them’s adopted.
And so:
Every household should have one. A child to keep the dog busy with the care and feeding of.
Oh ok, one more:
Better than Chicken Licken’s.
And then someone moved them indoors:
2) Incredible studio portraits of wild animals.
3) Someone tell the animals Scientific Evidence Suggests Noah’s Ark Flooding May Really Have Happened.
4) Good news if you weren’t adopted: Vegan Diet Hugely Helpful Against Cancer. For the people who thought there was nothing they could do about hereditary risk.
And Ms Rockstar ends this by demonstrating the art of the cold-weather pedicure:

Didn't even think to take a pic til someone else stopped us and asked to take a pic so she could show her husband.
Have a good weekend.
(Pic from 30 baby animals to make you go awwwwww)
Get a pedicure!
The socks+shoes are just so cute. Now it gives me an idea, I could get this kind of socks for grown ups and wear them and I’ll never need to have pedicure again, hehehe,
Hhhmmm, I seriously do think some of the animal photos may be photoshopped.
Have a good weekend!
Same to you dear… I owe you a response re Christmas Tree too, hope I can do that this w/e… According to the captions following the pics on the actual site, those appear to be real, but I also can’t imagine the mutt being allowed on the buffalo like that – they look like the ones from when we visited Safari West, who are really bad tempered and dangerous. Maybe it’s another unlikely adopted animal…