1) The Apparent Conversion of Rahat. Youtube prankster MagicOfRahat fakes lottery win to homeless man. He goes up to a homeless guy on the street and says, “I don’t have any money to give you, but I have this lottery ticket. I don’t know if I won anything but let’s go see.”
They call him a “prankster,” but I’m looking at how he actually furnishes the USD 1,000 the homeless man “wins”. I know too many people who would lie without it ending in a homeless person getting USD 1,000 out of their own pocket.
Twist #2: Homeless man’s reaction turns from disbelief……… To trying to share the money and take only what he needs, returning the rest to Rahat.
Comments following the video include people who actually know the homeless man and are now trying to find him because they lost touch with him years ago….. And people who don’t know him, but have set up a fund for him. Nice good-guys-don’t-finish-last-after-all story.
2) Here’s another creative person out there using said Powers of Creativity for good: Artist Creates Surreal Pictures Of Shelter Dogs To Help Them Find A Home.
3) Photographer Asks People Why They Rescued An Animal.
“It was like two lost lonely souls had finally found each other”
…And grew matching beard stubble. I’m just saying.
4) So, fathers strive to send their kids to school, right? This guy uh, took it literally… Father Carries Disabled Son To School 18 Miles Every Day.
(The boy is 12, and topping the class, but because of twisted limbs, cannot make the journey on his own.)
And a couple more that have nothing to do with the title…
5) Huffington Post’s 9 Unbelievable Airplane Incidents. #3 is an Aussie plane and pilot who reported a UFO hovering above him mid-flight. Plane and pilot are still missing.
6) Possible Death Sentence For Small Florida Town If Found Too Corrupt. This little town apparently churned out a crazy number of speeding tickets, almost half its water is unaccounted for, and the mayor is in jail for selling some drug or other, so they’ve been given 30 days to clean up or be annihilated. For real. No more town.
Plus, eye candy.
7) OMG Mother And Daughter Yoga.
8) And a simple one of The Girls this week:
Still praying every day for MH 370…
Reading about people helping other people and animals is like chicken soup for the soul.
Happy to see the two girls getting along well with each other.
Yes, still praying for MH370.
Have a good weekend!