So, for the eagle-eyed reader who noticed I hadn’t said much about Little Miss’ baby school…. Yes she had her first day of pre-school 1 1/2 weeks ago. No I haven’t said where. It was because I was initially unsure if we were staying. Part of the reason was erm, “personal” – i.e. it’s not the school, it’s “us”. I struggled for the last few days, scrapping whole lengthy posts, and finally decided on a brief, if trite, version – there is an “X” factor that matters more than anything, that has to do with how the overall experience “feels”.
I loved the Miss’ previous baby chinese class right up until she outgrew it and the available classes for older toddlers don’t match the timing of this new bilingual pre-school (so we’re wait-listed on another class in the same Chinese center with the right timing around pre-school). We still met up with old baby Chinese class mates during the holidays at the HK Central Library though:
So the Miss’ Chinese classmates’ parents taught us how to come here (in fact they picked us up with a driver :P) – it’s all free, as is (I think) the 45 minute session at the “Toy Library” where kids can “borrow” two toys for the session. But you have to call way in advance to book a slot and the guard stopped me from taking pics
It’s all very “civilized,” almost all local kids and all very well-behaved, and when we’re sitting outside the “toy library” because Rockstar refuses to leave til he’s scratched the itch (he’d learned at his own school library how to locate the Science sections and told me some time ago the catalogue system is the same for other public libraries – well he certainly found his beloved science sections quickly in this library) there’s nice local kids and parents (after the Miss’ play date is over) to hang out with…
ps: I was beginning to get a little concerned the Miss wouldn’t sit down nicely enough at circle times or Snack when she had to go to Kindy eventually, and so I was looking for a place where she could get a little more used to a not-too-rigid class routine, following some simple instructions………. More when I can blog it…….
The library is really big, I am impressed. No wonder Rockstar did not want to leave. Did he ask to go again?
Yeah he wants to go again… He didn’t read the whole time, I think he flicked through maybe 5 or 6 books but there was one specifically about the planet Jupiter (there is a children’s science book about just Jupiter?!) that he didn’t put down for awhile… The thing seemed to be Jupiter facts with every single picture page of Jupiter’s surface looking almost identical (to me)… We briefly visited some of the grownup and chinese areas and he asked if there were a million books in the place…
The library reminds me of SFC exams… haha
Ha really?! I still remember studying for that at Pacific Place on Peak and taking my papers in a little local primary school leh… The library reminds me of little kiddie playdates haha