(To a background of lawnmower-like snoring…)
Macho Checked Pyjama Pants: USD 28.00 from bestdressedkids.com, which your Mummy couldn’t resist buying online even though they weren’t (and still aren’t, 6 months later) on sale
White T-Shirt: Gift from Grandmum
Red, Black And White Comforter: Gift With Purchase when your parents bought the Cilek Racecar Bed that sits in your room and which you jump up and down on a lot but never sleep in anymore (because your parents prefer to have you in their bed).
(Bought at a fraction of the HKD 10,000 price your Mummy was quoted after she went to a local bedmaker’s in Wan Chai with a workshop in Mainland China. Her colleagues later informed her she was grossly over-quoted, which she also knows.)
Glimpse Of A Possible Future Your Mummy Will Not Be Allowing Until You’re Like, 30: PRICELESS
Rockstar’s recovering from a cold… But all that seems to be missing in this picture is half-eaten overnight pizza and a couple beer bottles…