Miss: I can’t eat my strawberries, Mummy. There are no aliens here.
Miss: My butt is real and my butt poops.
Miss: (Friend)’s Mummy and Daddy were telling him not to break his (toy) gun. So I hit him.
Me: What? No, no hitting.
Miss: Oh. <brightens> With swords? <enthusiastically making poking motion with both hands>
ps: You can tell I’m blogging lite, can’t you? Been sick about a week. Didn’t start of as anything that bad but boy is this tummy bug something else – the fatigue… Someone actually saw me sitting down catching my breath somewhere and messaged me… I went to a clinic and asked if they had anything for the tiredness and the doc said “Uh…. I can fix the bone pain or the nausea, but……. have you tried coffee?” NOT kidding…
Sorry to hear that you are sick, hope you feel much better soon. On another note, I’m like Rockstar, I can read anywhere, anytime 😛
Yes then really you are. Thank you for the well wishes I’m almost all better – can write long long again, you’ll see 😉
Get well soon, Aileen! (Yes, I’m still reading… find your blog instructive re what to expect re children and have to admit to using your children’s actions, etc. as a gauge of what my two young nieces will be up too… ;b)
Thank you and now you got me all fired up, will post again soon. Like, actual writing.
Sorry to hear that you had been unwell. Hope you are all A-ok now.
Miss Rockstar butt sentences reminds me of Shakira’s song “Hips don’t lie”.
For a moment there, I thought Miss Rockstar was at Rockstar’s secret headquarter high up. Then I realise that it is her very own book shelf. Did she request for it? With this, she will sit a bit longer when reading.