Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Certification. Quick post, following some curiosity about what the kids were doing that wasn’t housework

“Hi Mum! I Wuz Here!” Rockstar’s wearing a Koding Kingdom camp t-shirt and that expression right after passing. And the cert is gorgeous, with a little sheen on a thick, heavy paper.
Rockstar’s been cramming for this Microsoft Technology Associate Certification intensively for 2 hours daily in camp for the last couple weeks, following many months of (only) once a week of the same course during school term time, culminating in this exam through Koding Kingdom, a recognised testing centre for Microsoft. (Yes, the Microsoft, not the shop somewhere in Shenzhen that sells just the most comfortable pillows and bedding. No, this is not an invitation for us to start receiving anonymous hate mail about Windows OS either.)
Seeing her brother cramming online for this thing, HN insisted on coming for computer classes too, and so she did 2 hours Scratch camp daily for the last two weeks as well, whenever her brother was in class, revising each day over lunch as he did…
(Yes, she can sit for a long time, despite the noise she produces when allowed – I might have mentioned the two kids rub off on each other, and while HN is the “stronger,” more assertive one, her brother has a 4.5 year age advantage over her, Praise the Lord for how that turned out) … her Scratch was adjusted by KK tutors, since she’s significantly younger than the age group their original syllabus was intended for.
I cannot thank Koding Kingdom enough for all this. Rockstar has been asking to go for camp here for the last couple years when school is out, so they’d seen him on and off and had records of all the stuff he’d been doing with them. One day they floated a thought – can he make the 70% pass mark to get officially certified as an MTA? He got an 86% last weekend, coming in one quiet Saturday afternoon, dedicated staff all making themselves available for support.
(And so we’ve been checking out like teenagers who are done with Finals, for the last couple days :P)
So proud of him for getting 86%. Good job mummy