Rockstar Does Singapore Blog Awards 2012 Youtube

Here’s the 1 min introductory Youtube we had to submit for the competition… The Rockstar and I…. uh, had a disagreement this morning. Or I would’ve posted the Youtube earlier. Rockstar feels I should’ve put the “uncut” versions up (from the soliloquies he records on his iPod) but then they aren’t subtitled and when he’s on a roll he can go too fast, withhiswordsallcrashingintoeachother. He was not happy we edited the whole thing to the 1 minute time limit but if we didn’t you would see him going on about the Evils Of Girly Girls In Princess Dresses.

N-ot that he dislikes all girls, you understand. Just most of them. Is that still bad? Fodder for when he brings his first girlfriend home someday… The one girl in class whom he has now formed his taste preferences over (skinny, dark skin = “pretty” – so Sarung Party Girl) is his friend “because she’s the only girl who doesn’t bring disgusting things for Show n Tell.” And by disgusting he means dolls and other girly things.

Ah well… It’ll be awhile more before Rockstar can upload his own Youtubes and I can always change my password then MUAHAHAHA:

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14 Responses to Rockstar Does Singapore Blog Awards 2012 Youtube

  1. StephM says:

    Oh my god Rockstar is so articulate! And his voice is too cute. Very very adorable video 😀 You are so blessed! You go, 4 and one quarter Rockstar!

    Cannot wait to meet baby Rockstar as well!

  2. fidelia says:

    Ahahaaaa totally enjoyed the minute of rockstarism and the mummy behind it all! Funny guy, can imagine how it must be so much joy & fun through your days of being with him, raising him. 😉 T o more rockstarisms, motherisms, and baby rockstarisms! Keep more videos coming, it ROCKS Rockstar !

    • Aileen says:

      Hi there! He can be very opinionated… which is something considering he’s so tiny – yet totally serious about his views 😛 Hope your move back to Singapore has been smooth sailing…

      • fidelia says:

        Thanks Aileen, move has been good, happy to be reunited with our families, miss hk abit too. I just saw the bonus clip co-starring JD. can’t deny.. rockstar is right about girls and mood swings haha! 😉 he sure thinks & articulates well! makes a strong impression for 4yo.

        • Aileen says:

          Oh u saw that! haha sometimes I think he’s a real pot-calling-kettle-black cos he’s not exactly bright, sunny and easygoing either!

  3. SiSoo says:

    Oh gosh… he is just so cute… I certainly hope you win the award.. You guys deserve it.  I will vote for you

  4. zmun2 says:

    I like Rockstar’s facial expression when he goes “..1/4… means I’m taller than 4” – he looked so serious when he said that. He must be waiting for his age to increase so that he can be much much more taller than now.

    May you and Rockstar win! 🙂 

    • Aileen says:

      That’s my favorite part too! Yeah every quarter is important… And he’s generally quite serious so those bits where he’s not really smiling are what he’s really like… Well, that and the insistence on “ruining” shots by making funny faces…

      It’s my last few weeks of pregnancy and a lot of stuff not done yet (Kings pantang to do too early) so not that much time to subtitle Rockstar’s clips… Otherwise you would hear stuff like “if people know my real name someone might steal me from ESF for a pet” (yeah ??!! dunno where he got that), “girly things get dirty faster” and “this is what I’m eating” (open mouth to show half-chewed food)

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the video – look forward to watching more in coming years. Given all the smart comments he made over the years, i was under the impression he is older. Great to hear Princess Aileen’s voice – sounds very Malaysian & princess-like.

  6. Rockstar is just too adorable! 😀 Hope you will win Aileen 

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