Rockstar: Mum. I saw (girl’s name) today.
Me: That’s nice, dear. Did you play with her?
Rockstar: We were running in the playground.
Me: Oh – Tag?
Rockstar: <seriously> No, I have to run away so she doesn’t kick me.
Me: Uh, why don’t you tell her you don’t like being kicked?
Rockstar: <still seriously> I’m too busy running away from her.
Me: Why don’t you stand still and explain you don’t like being kicked?
Rockstar: <like I’m stupid> Be-cause, she-will-kick-me.
Me: Are you sure she’s running to you because she wants to kick you?
Rockstar: <shrugs> She did, last time. Now I see her, I run. She runs, too.
Me: So now the two of you…… run. And you don’t even know for sure if she still wants to kick you.
Rockstar: Yup. But anyway (friend) stopped her.
Me: Did you see her kick anyone else?
Rockstar: I don’t know, I think just me.
Me: Do you think she still does it, maybe she’s stopped?
Rockstar: I don’t know, Mum. She’s a girl.
My son, the lady charmer. Just like his father. <mock indulgent sigh>
Hahaha, this is funny as I imagine a little girl chasing after Rockstar. Perhaps the girl kicked him to get his attention. ;p Pretty effective I would say because now Rockstar talks about this girl with his mommy, hehehe.
Long ago they used to be friends. After a bad fight I nixed playdates for awhile so they would forget. Except then they mostly made other friends too. I’ve SEEN the kick before, ages ago (her mum quickly hauled her away so no contact) she’s pissed (though she also has other friends what). Hell hath no fury…