Me: How was school, darling?
Rockstar: Ok, Mum. I tippy-toed behind people that annoy me so they didn’t know I was there.
Me: Uh… Schoolmates?
Rockstar: <enthusiastically> Yeah! They didn’t even SEE me! So they don’t do anything to make me angry!
Me: <thinking> What am I supposed to say, I think that’s a brilliant idea for when I don’t want people I can’t stand to see me either… Especially with people who pretend to be nice to you one day when you tell them you’ll both be attending the same birthday party tomorrow and then are just awful at the actual party until the host mum also looks a little uncomfortable and you don’t know what the hell happened with that whole thing… People who can’t stand me should just not have to fake-stretch their face muscles at me either.
And uh, newsflash: If you’re really host mum’s best friend or whatever, you wouldn’t be making her uncomfortable about how you are with her other guests. Next time, just tell her not to invite me to begin with. Now, Let’s Just All Pretend We Never Knew Each Other And Save Each Other The Fake Smiles (Or Mean-ness). Get off my blog too, please. When you visit, you are giving my blog a “hit” on the number-of-visits counter. You don’t want that, and we are obviously not like-minded anyway. Stop reading.
Rockstar: And I like (some boy in his class) now – he told me I’m crazy! <very happy>
Rockstar’s happy. And I…. could use the lesson. I came out of a birthday party weeks ago with my tail between my legs, just heavily regretting ever attending it (through no fault of the host) – which I attended to begin with (Rockstar’s much older and we don’t playdate-hang out) only because I sincerely thought being supportive of someone with a new baby who was also organizing her elder child’s birthday party (must be a lot of work and heavy adjustment at home) was a nice thing to do.
But then…. shortly after, Rockstar had his own classmate’s birthday party – which was so great, I loved every single parent I met there, much to my surprise <sheepish>. I can now again say that I don’t absolutely loathe kiddie birthday parties…
Rockstar: It wasn’t like —‘s party. We both had fun, Mum.
Me: You knew I didn’t enjoy the other one?
Rockstar: Yeah. But then Daddy and I had fun.
Of course they bloody did. They just disappeared into the giant climbing frames and slides. Total siam…. I want to siam too…
ps: Since I’m now doing the Rockstar Tippy-Toe, I hope someone else tells that lady apparently the expensive, in high-demand private school she was set on putting her child in is moving all the way out to New Territories in a couple years.
what’s d meaning of ‘siam’ ?
Eh sorry me Hokkien Peranakan
“Siam” = “seem” in Cantonese… Avoid or duck I guess
okok. Tks. Now I can add another word in my vocabulary.
Learned the words ‘duh’, ‘noob’ and ‘sat’ from my 15yr son.
First time he used ‘sat’ , I asked him who’s got kutu… haha
Yr boys(:P) must have had a nice time exploring the giant climbing frames and slides. I can imagine how much fun they had…father and son bonding.
Yes ah… Kings travels a lot so they need serious quality time… I dunno what a noob is
Some people are just nasty, well, it is her loss then.
You know Mun, the whole time I always thought it was just mixed or missed messages.. Even at the party initially… Somehow I just never thought it was deliberate… (So thick skin and blur right…) Finally got it later when I came face to face with her alone… Like, if you hadn’t been rude on purpose earlier you would not be weird and paisay when you come face to face with clueless me.. But it’s liberating to be able to “IGNORE-I don’t know this person” without thinking I could’ve tried harder
You told her off… but still also told her the school is moving. And without speaking to her. Hilarious.
Yes lah don’t want to speak to her what. Wow you caught that fast!
“I tippy-toed behind people that annoy me so they didn’t know I was there.” Wise words from the little man! There are just so really nasty people out there sadly. One day that mum’s going to turn round and she’ll have no-one to tak to as she’ll have annoyed all the other mums.