One day looking up from bathtub…
Rockstar: Mum. Were you and Daddy married when you had me?
Me: <thinking what on earth is he asking now> Erm…. Ye-esss… <suspicious>
Rockstar: <sly look> Was I born right after you got married?
Me: <defensive> What?? Nooo! I had you after being married to Daddy for 3 or 4 years! Where in the wide world did you get that from?
Rockstar: <defensive> I was just checking! (Classmate whom I recall him saying previously has just turned 5) says you have to be married if you want children!
Sometimes I forget he’s got some older classmates. It’s just hilarious when he comes back with these kinds of things…
And then many of his classmates have had 4th or 5th birthdays, and I guess some notice he hasn’t yet (or else they wonder why he’s so tiny) and so they ask:
Rockstar: (Former 4.5yr old classmate whose birthday party we attended) asked me how old I was today.
Me: Oh that’s nice, were you guys playing?
Rockstar: No, he came by when I was at the snack table and said “How old are you?” so I said “3-and-3-quarters.” Then he said “Is that almost 4?” and I said “yes” so he said ok and went out to play. So I said “bye-bye.”
Me: What, he just walked up to you to ask you that?
Rockstar: Yeah. Then I went out to play and I walked past (other former classmate) and she said, “Are you having a nice time?” and I said “Yes, thank you.” Then she said bye and I went bye back. That’s what happened.
Oh yeah. I also find it hilarious how these little people have the gravest formal polite conversations ever.
Rockstar just too cute
You look great while pregnant with Rockstar! I wish I will also next time when the times come
Thanks Dora, sunlight and good haircut help bah!
I was 8 years in Sandakan 
haha Aileen that was a pleasant surprise! 8 years I am sure you pick up many other things beside “bah”
Tell the kid the truth next time: you decided to get married after only 6 months because you thought you already had him!
By what, (the common misconception for) Immaculate Conception? Anyway we actually got engaged after 5.5 months.. Not married.. Kings had to wait couple years, in all
I lurve your hairstyle in that photo! You’re so lucky cos you rock short hair styles AND long hair styles! Also love reading snippets of conversations from Rockstar’s days.
Thanks CA! I’m a short hair person, the shorter the better actually – the long hair is at the express request of Kings one Christmas
The statement – “you have to be married if you want children” reminds me of a joke I heard before – a naive young lady went for a medical check up and was told she is pregnant but she insisted that she cannot be pregnant because she is not married although she did have sexual intercourse with her boyfriend. I don’t find the joke funny though.
Oh. Wow. That’s like kind of funny, but also painful!! Haha hadnt heard it before tho, thanks for sharing