Over Vietnamese on New Year’s Day…
Me: Rockstar, today’s the first day of a new year, and usually people come up with New Year Resolutions, which are like a promise they want to make about doing something better, or making themselves better people. Like say, eating healthier foods or remembering to say “please” and “thank you”… So do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?
Rockstar: I can’t think of anything.
Me: Need some time?
Rockstar: Yeah.
So our food comes, and I reopen the conversation…
Rockstar: Give people more food.
(I determine he means re his school St James food collection drive last Xmas… There’s a pic of the Kindy reception area Rockstar would pass each day with all the food supplies out front here)
Me: Um, ok, how about something that makes you a better person too, like learning to not get so angry if someone’s not sharing or if they’re pushing? (Because I think he’s still too anal).
Rockstar: Ok, learn to put out fires. (Because he currently wants to be a fireman when he grows up). Daddy hurry up. Tell yours.
Kings: Eat more vegetables.
Rockstar: Eeeewwwww! (He does not consider broccoli or carrots, his favorites, “vegetables”. Only bean sprouts and kale and any others he loathes are “vegetables”. He picked that up from discussing “vegetables” with schoolmates.)
Me: Mine is to not yell at you over minor transgressions (like messing up the bathroom when we’re already late) and then having to apologize for flying off the handle. (Thought he’d be pleased, but noooo…)
Rockstar: That’s crazy. (I think he means because it’s too difficult to keep). How about “Eat more snail?”

Outdoor seating at Saigon - near enough Stanley Market to have a nice meal (there are a few nice restaurants in this building) and then walk over to browse the market
It would seem Rockstar has unfortunately caught on to the uh, “art” of New Year Resolution-Making. Don’t make ones that you have trouble keeping. I am not pleased. He could’ve at least dug deep and resolved not to ruin any more of our photos.
We may not have as much control as we’d like over the blessings we receive, but each of us has the ability to be a blessing unto someone else.
Just think if enough people around us had that thought… In fact, many of you already do, from the incredibly informed and insightful comments I keep receiving both on the blog and via email. Thank you for making this a gathering place that continually reminds us all and illustrates to my child(ren when they can read someday) people can be kind for no reason. May you be doubly blessed for it this 2012!!
Dear Aileen, Here’s wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!
Same to you dear, you were in Penang right…
Yes but I am back in KL now.