
Dragon stage decor at City Plaza Mall in Sai Wan Ho... It's quite a "neighborhood mall", but if you're wondering how big is, check out the people walking by in the bottom left corner...
Rockstar: Mum. Is today still the year of the dragon?
Me: Yes.
Rockstar: What about tomorrow?
Me: It’s going to be the year of the dragon til the next CNY… Did you learn about the animals in the Chinese zodiac in school? They all take turns for it to be their year..
Rockstar: Yes. It was such a long story. I nearly fell asleep….. Do you know which is my favorite animal?
Me: Pig? Since you’re a pig…
Rockstar: Not all of us are pigs. (Classmate)’s a dog. My favorite is the ox. Because he helped the others. I don’t like the rat because he pushed someone in the water. That’s a red choice.
<pause> Mum. When is it the pig year again?
Me: Do you remember how many animals there are in the Chinese zodiac?
Rockstar: (like I think he’s stupid) Y-eah… 12…
Me: So if when you were born it was the pig year, how old will you be when it’s the pig year again?
Rockstar: <pause> 12 – that’s soo old!!
Rockstar: So… in 7 days it’ll be Sunday again?
Me: Yup…
Cute and entertaining moments with Rockstar.. pricless 🙂 I was by the way born under the year of the pig too 🙂
Happy Weekend!
Have a good week ahead Diane! Oink!
That’s a Rockstar ready-to-strike action pose! So yau yeng!
His logic is so good – he knows he would be 12 in the year of the pig since there are 12 animals.
Haha but he can really make you vomit blood if he doesn’t want to cooperate..