Me: What have you got in your (tightly clenched) hand?
Rockstar: Feather. (From down blanket)
Me: Oh, that’s alright then.
Rockstar: So if it was dog poop it would not be alright? Hee.
Examining his string cheese snack that we are both eating….
Rockstar: Mum. This cheese is quite soft. Why are you eating soft cheese? Soft cheese is not good for your baby.
So we mentioned our favorite girl baby names to Rockstar recently…
Rockstar: Tsk! Don’t like. No. Not nice. <shakes head>
Me: Uh….. But your parents like.
Rockstar: <authoritatively> I’ll just have to come up with my own name later.
Me: <incredulously> You’re just going to call the baby whatever you want?
Rockstar: Yeah. It’s easy. Like “Flufflepuff”. See? Easy-peasy, lemony squeezy.
I just stopped short of responding he can call her whatever he wants, but his future sister may just not respond. Because then he might teach the baby to respond to Flufflepuff or something much worse when we’re not looking…..
Speaking of which, among other things I was thinking to use the chinese word “Mei” somewhere in the baby’s chinese name. As in “plum blossom” Mei, not “beautiful” Mei… The word is in my own name – not speaking much chinese, my parents had picked the word quite coincidentally (they preferred “beautiful” Mei) and only in the last few years a Taiwanese RM explained “plum blossom” Mei’s “additional” meaning… Apparently because the plum blossom is the first flower to bloom at the end of winter, it implies a certain toughness or strength not immediately apparent when you look at the delicate pink flowers. Hence in chinese poetry apparently the name implies beauty and strength without simply calling your child “beautiful and strong.” Even then, people often mistook my name for “beautiful” Mei and in Singapore I used to get “Wahhh you dem lucky you not ugly siah”…
I was maybe 30 years old before I discovered this about my own name…….
I suppose any girl is dem lucky she is not ugly siah. Princess Aileen is dem lucky she’s a class of her own.
Erm… Thanks, I think?
I think, in KL, the chinese characters (of chinese names) are not written formally in the birth certificate so people can always choose another chinese character (homophones) for their name.
I think, in KL, the chinese characters (of chinese names) are not written formally in the birth certificate so people can always choose another chinese character (homophones) for their name.
Was trying to remember… Now that u mention I don’t recall Chinese characters in my birth cert.. My mum used to carry our names written for her on a scrap of paper in her wallet n explained a couple times to me re “flower Mei”..
Yeah he is bent on naming the bb himself… But changes mind frequently