Rockstar: Mum. Today is a big day for you and Daddy. I’m going to bring my (arts and crafts) home.
Rockstar: Mum. If you can’t remember what people look like, just look at them.
And of course, Rockstar is really not leaving off trying to name the baby for us…
Rockstar: Mum. I’ve got a name for the baby girl. Amber.
Me: <mildly surprised> That’s a nice, un-crazy name, where did you get it?
Rockstar: One of my friends from another class told me the name. I went asking, I said, “Do you know what name I can call my baby girl?” (Schoolmate) said “Amber.” He says he likes it because it sounds like ‘Rainbow.’ That’s nice, right?
Rockstar’s little survey brought other suggestions from his genius friends:
Thomas (the train)
Me: (Schoolmate) said that whole thing’s the baby name? Not just ‘Rudolph’?
Rockstar: He wanted the whole thing because just ‘Rudolph’ doesn’t make any sense.
Me: Oh, it’s Rudolph that doesn’t make any sense……
Rockstar is really taking the naming of his sister seriously that he asks his friends for suggestions. He is so going to be the protective big brother.
I remembered the post below when I read naming baby posts:
Thanks, I read it…
Rockstar seems determined we have to take one of HIS suggestions, hence all the extra legwork… If we’d known he was going to b like that we would’ve “led” him to “suggest” names that we wanted, rather tell him what we wanted… Now he’s declared (possibly not unbiasedly) he doesn’t like all our suggestions if we can’t nudge him back there’s a real possibility he addresses the baby however HE wants… Some of which names are more suitable for livestock
(seriously, doesnt “Your Mummy Loves You” sound like the name for a racehorse? Except it came from his current favorite girl friend in school which is probably y it made his shortlist….)
Come to think of it, yes, “Your Mummy Loves You” does sound like the name for a racehorse. :p
Rockstar is really taking the naming of his sister seriously that he asks his friends for suggestions. He is so going to be the protective big brother.
I remembered the post below when I read naming baby posts: