Munching a ziploc bag of little biscuits, oat squares, an M&M or two…
Rockstar: Mum. Do you want some?
Me: Hmm? No thanks, dear.
Rockstar: You sure? Daddy? (Kings, driving, declines as well.)
Rockstar: The cushion-shaped ones are my favorite.
Me: Oh really? I think you can get them at Wellcome. They’re quite healthy organic snacks made from oats or something… We can buy more next week if you like.
Rockstar: <cheerfully> Ok. <pause> Sure you don’t want some?
Me: Yes dear.
Rockstar: I can finish them?
Me: Yeah, go ahead.
Rockstar: Here, try one. <pops oat cushion in my mouth before I can say anything>
Me: You’re right, they’re yummy. And thanks for giving me one of your favorites. <pause> So what did you learn in Bible class today?
Rockstar: God gives His best, so you give your best to God. But the music was so soft cannot hear anything so it was very boring music.
Me: So what’s an example of giving your best?
Rockstar: <Hands me Sunday school handout> Follow this, follow this.
It’s Mark 12:41-42, which is the parable of the widow who gave two small copper coins, and a suggestion to “look for ways to show your child by example how to give something away to (or share with) someone else…” The kids are also encouraged to “Give (their) best” in terms of singing a favorite song is to the best of their ability, playing their best at a game, basically doing their best to the glory of God…..
Rockstar: Do you want any more (snacks)?
Me n Kings: No, you can finish it.
As Rockstar pops the last one in his mouth...
Me: Hey. Have you been asking us so many times if we want your biscuits because they told you (in Bible class) to share that bag?
Rockstar: <still chewing> Yup.
Me: And then when I said “No thank you,” you stuffed one of your favorites in my mouth??
Rockstar: <still chewing> Yup.
Me: And is that why when we saw that little boy in your class trying to hand you a wipe? (Understatement alert: When we come to pick Rockstar up we usually watch him for a few minutes – this time we witnessed a small tussle with another boy repeatedly trying to push a wet wipe into Rockstar’s hand and even grab his hand to wipe it, after he declined to accept the wipe, Rockstar wriggling away each time while still crunching biscuits… The boy finally gave up and went to lay wet wipes out on the table for Rockstar and all the other kids too…)
Rockstar: Yes, but I already washed my hands.
Me: You didn’t think maybe you could just say thank you and accept it, because he was probably trying to “serve God” too by handing out the wipes?
Rockstar: (But why)?? I didn’t need one, I already washed my hands…..
Me: Um… He would probably feel happy if you just accepted it, that’s “serving God” on your part too, right? <Rockstar blinks> Well, you stuffed an oat cushion in my mouth when I didn’t realize you were trying to share? If I had known, I’d just have accepted it and said thank you.
Rockstar: <shrugs> So then I just fed you.
The suggested drawings would make good tattoos for those adults who can’t remember to do their best.
Hey, I wear a ring engraved with WWJD from work days too… Rather than say a cross round my neck… Because I couldn’t see the cross round my neck, but I often looked down at keyboard when typing so would see my hands a lot…
Hey, I wear a ring engraved with WWJD from work days too… Rather than say a cross round my neck… Because I couldn’t see the cross round my neck, but I often looked down at keyboard when typing so would see my hands a lot…