Rockstar had a “Wor” habit for about a week recently, as in, “Can’t do that wor…” I grumbled about it a little and it disappeared as mysteriously as it first appeared… For the moment, anyway… But then…
Rockstar: <chewing candy freebie from concierge desk at some mall> I like this kind of sweet, Mum. This kind of sweet would make me stop saying “Wor”.
Me: Why would a piece of candy stop you saying “Wor”?
Rockstar: It’s got vitamins in it.
Me: You think bad habits in speech are due to malnutrition?
Rockstar: I think if I get this candy I will stop saying “Wor”.
Me: Oh you mean you want a bribe and you’ll cut out the “Wor.”
Rockstar: Hee yeah.
(I decide not to tell him he’s already cut it out, in case he holds out for the bribe next time round…)
Coming in to bedroom from sounds of Kings watching Stephen Chow again…
Rockstar: Mum. Sometimes Daddy watches tv that isn’t interesting.
Me: That’s because your father comes home so tired from work he’ll watch any rubbish on tv because he can’t think anymore.
Rockstar: <authoritatively> This is true.

He didn't like the escargot... (He's had bigger snails before, maybe this time his problem was the garlic butter...)
I hate the “wor” that’s become very popular in Cantonese and has now migrated to some English speakers in HK too.
Yeah I don’t like it either… Grumbled at him to either speak English or Cantonese but not Canglish… Esp since I know those friends of his can easily teach him Cantonese which Kings complains he doesn’t know how to speak, instead of messing his English up..
I hate the “wor” that’s become very popular in Cantonese and has now migrated to some English speakers in HK too.