Rockstar recently left his backpack in a GOD store, prompting us to have to walk back to get it 15 mins later… Before we reached, the store had called us about his bag (which has a dog tag on it with our numbers – I order plastic tags in bulk from which btw are made by the handicapped), they’re kinda cool…
Me: <Very annoyed, it’s hot and we’re both tired> You better hope no one took your iPod. You’re not getting another.
Rockstar: Of course it’ll still be there.
Me: We’re telling your father you were careless.
Rockstar: Yeah. I’ll tell Daddy but then he’ll just go back to watching tv… <pause> I can’t wait to see Daddy… <giving me a look>
Me: Neither can I.
Rockstar: How come you want to see Daddy?
Me: You think you’re the only one who misses Daddy?
Rockstar: <shrugs> JD (the dog) doesn’t.
Me: But I might – I can’t wait to farm you off on Daddy
<Rockstar starts laughing – btw even his doting grandparents have observed he can put on a decidedly evil cackle>
Me: I need to get some rest so the baby will grow. You’ve been taking up way too much of my energy, I dont have enough for the baby. Besides, the less you aggravate me and go bother your father, the less grouchy I’ll be and then I’ll scream at you less too.
Rockstar: Oh yeah that’s true. <decisively> OK good! Let’s go get Daddy!
For Book Week in school recently, the dress-up theme was a book character… Rockstar went as Mr Messy because that was one of the pasar malam Mr Men t-shirts I had on hand… And he didn’t want to be dressy about it, “like all the yucky girls.”
Rockstar: (Classmate) kept asking, “What are you, what are you?” and then finally she touched the paint n went Mr Messy! And then (other classmate) jumped on her haha. Why’d he do that?
Me: Well, maybe he just likes her. His mummy told me he likes bossy girls who are a little plump, and well he’s talked about her at home before…
Rockstar: Haiii. <shakes head> I like the skinny ones.
(To be exact, he likes “the skinny ones” with dark skin. My son is into SPGs (Sarung Party Girls.))
Rockstar: I knew the girls would wear disgusting things. I knew it. All princesses and ballerinas… One was the tooth fairy but it was still a yucky dress…
(Ok, maybe not quite.)
I thought putting those “zinc stick” sun blocks on him was a real brainwave, but after scribbling all over him in the 10 minutes before we were out the door and then dropping him off at school, I returned to find the car seat was pink. It cleans off with wet wipes, but I think he left pink and black marks all over the school and his friends that day…
Me: S-oo….. Did you…… end up leaving paint marks on your friends and furniture?
Rockstar: <delighted> Yeah! It was great!
His hair stood for days, but interestingly the white Mr Messy t-shirt that was more pink than anything after school and I’d expected to be totally stained for good – came out from the wash pretty much totally spot free…
Also, Rockstar would come home triumphant with a story book he’d been trying to find for awhile – and a baby ABC board book.
Rockstar: (referring to board book) They kept asking me, “Are you sure you want that?”
Me: Oh, you mean in school? They were probably wondering why you picked that baby board book when you already know all your ABCs. You guys did ABCs sometime back right?
Rockstar: It’s not for me – it’s for the baby. So I can read it to her. I need books to read to her, right?
<tiny tear> Just when you think he’s a total monkey…………
Awww… that’s so sweet! tiny tear too! Rockstar’s gonna be such an awesome big bro!
Oh I still expect a lot of bickering and complaining, the Rockstar is very anal about certainthings at home and already quite bad fighting with the dog over certain corners of our bedroom, stuff like that.. Which is why we’re carving out a space exclusively for him as his territory.. But at least ABC baby board book indicates there is hope…
Dressing him up as Mr Messy is really brilliant! Simple but he really looked the part. Hehehe, people in school may be wondering why some things in school were stained with black and pink colours, hehehe.
So thoughtful of Rockstar to get the book to read to baby. A caring brother in the making (as long as baby listens to him – I guess)
Oh yeah for sure! He’s already made plans to “turn” the baby away from “silly girl things” like yucky dresses and soft toys, and since he grumbles at me when I’m out with a girlfriend whose son he can’t stand (feeling is mutual – good luck to them both cos now the dads like each other too) he is obviously going to attempt to pick the baby’s friends too, someday. I could write a sitcom…
When I read the part where Rockstar picked a baby ABC board book so that he can read it to her….I went Awwww, so sweet….too.
You must be so proud of your Rockstar. I am super impressed about his obsession n skills with his Legos. Very panai lor !!! My kids all ‘tarak’ talent/interest in Lego.
And from all yr posts on him, I think he is so cute and smart….although i understand that there are days you think he’s a total monkey.
Sometimes I wonder whether I am good mother….when I see/hear my kids squabbling. (Fyi : a 18yr old girl can still argue with her 7 yr old sis..sigh) But then, there will be moments when I see them worrying/caring bout each other and i will have go awwwwwww.
Happy Mother’s Day to you!
Happy Mother’s Day to you too
How on earth do you handle pregnancy 11 years apart?? I’m already so whiney on my second just 4.5 yrs later – so Paisay!! Rockstar can b very extreme ya, very strong likes and dislikes… A lot of the time we kind of just go with it ie nudge him a certain direction rather than collide with him head-on. Honestly I still get flak, why don’t rotan him… We certainly punish and tell him off (sometimes til he cries) but never cane… Maybe partly I picked up the habit from dog training – they usually train the owner not to hit the dog and to only use loud/soft voice moderation, even then predominantly soft, so as not to make the dog “insensitive” or “thick-skinned” to correction… With Rockstar I use logical arguments a lot..
Fantastic story about Rockstar wanting to practise his reading for his baby sister. Maybe you could even encourage him to read to you both now saying Little Miss can listen to the stories and he can help her get to sleep? (Learnt this trick from one parent who wanted to help her young son bond with the brother in utero and allowed the child to practise his reading too. Btw the boy was younger than Rockstar at the time.)
Great suggestion, yes we told him taking care of and raising a baby is a huge responsibility that he will also have to share. That includes reading/ teaching/ entertaining the baby. It helped that the dog will not be sharing said responsibilities