Rockstar: Mum. I had a dream last night.
Me: What did you dream about?
Rockstar: I quit my job and hired an agent.
(We’ve never had a conversation about agents so he must’ve picked it up from his friends again. I just thought it was hilarious (and very coincidental) that I told him we made the Singapore Blog Awards finals and he talks to me about an agent… But I can make a calculated guess which schoolmate he got it from, because for a few days he was talking about how he now had a “boss,” who was this other boy in school – and then he wasn’t very pleased when I explained the concept of boss and subordinate……)
Me: <bit startled> What job did you used to have?
Rockstar: Policeman. Catching bad guys in the playground.
Me: And what does your agent do?
Rockstar: Get me another job. Banker. Who drives a Jelly-copter.
Me: Bankers don’t drive – Helicopters?
Rockstar: Jelly-copter. Helicopter that wobbles in the sky is a Jelly-copter.
Me: You got that from one of your clever, clever friends in school again, didn’t you?
Rockstar: Yeah! (Classmate) was asking us yesterday what flies in the sky and wobbles!
(Sure enough, next school drop-off I mention to one of Rockstar’s Partners In Crime about the Jelly-copter, and am rewarded with an ear-to-ear grin)
Rockstar: But then the banker job didn’t work because too many people quit.
Me: Why do many bankers quit?
Rockstar: Not enough work. So they quit. And I quit. And then I caught a train and went to the zoo.
Me: Were you looking for a job at the zoo?
Rockstar: Yeah! I got a job catching ants. Big butt ants. <holds fingers up to show how big> See? People keep asking me to catch ants all day.
Me: Why?!
Rockstar: <ignoring me> Then I quit the job because too many people were quitting and I thought it would be too difficult to catch ants. Too many ants.
Me: So…. Now you quit because there’s too much work? You don’t think maybe you can charge more money, now they don’t have enough ant catchers?
Rockstar: I don’t need a lot, I got all my Lego. And I got my iPod.
What a funny dream! So young, dreaming about work already. I had nightmares about work when I was working. Rockstar has the correct attitude about work – if there is no job – personality fit or it just does not feel good, just quit, there are other jobs out there – so he resigned 3 times in his dream – hahaha!
And he is not chasing for material things too – just his Lego and Ipod will do – how nice!
I wonder at what age do children understand the concept of dreams? When did they first learn that they were dreaming? When did Rockstar start talking about dreaming?
Sadly, I couldn’t remember how/when I learn about dreaming – at what age I can differentiate between the dreamworld and reality.
Now that you mention – yeah he did 3 career changes in one dream!!!
Was thinking about it, I’m not sure he makes the distinction between day dreams n those he has when he’s asleep… Probably whatever isn’t real is a dream… In which case he’s been on about dreams for quite awhile, he had nightmares when he was much younger but mostly he’s not one of those kids (I was one, according to my mum) who has nightmares if they play too much… He just crawls about in his sleep if he’s played too much…