Rockstar walks by after using the bathroom, while I’m stuck to electric breast pump…
Me: Come here darling, I want to tell you something.
Rockstar comes over, but…
Rockstar: <urgently, nodding earnestly> Not possible to pause my (Cars) DVD, you know?
Awhile later…..
Rockstar: What’s Rust-eze and Dinoco (the two main sponsors in Disney’s Cars)?
Me: Those are sponsors. Sponsors are companies who want to sell some products or services. When you’re good at something, sponsors want you to use their products, hoping that if others see you using their stuff and want to be good at that something just like you, they’ll use the same stuff too. They might even give you lotsa free stuff hoping you’d use it…
Rockstar: <not taking eyes away from screen> O-Kay.….
Me: What did I just say?
Rockstar: When you’re good at something, sponsors want you to use more drugs.
The word products do sound like drugs when one is not paying full attention!
Yeah… Plus he has Cars on the brain…!
Hahaha…has he been watching the Olympics and been hearing accusations and tales about taking drugs?
That would be something wouldn’t it!
nola, he simply wasn’t paying attention because it was Cars on tv…