Me: <angrily, watching him wolf down a huge bowl of macaroni and egg after school> You didn’t eat your lunch in school. I told you to eat well at break or feel lousy til you have time to eat again. Do you need to watch another Youtube about how stomach ulcers form (yes there are some good ones without the gore – just diagrams and commentary he made me call out because as usual he didn’t take my word for it about ulcers)
Rockstar: It was their fault! I didn’t have time to eat!
Me: What d’you mean you didn’t have time to eat, you have two snack breaks and one lunch break and you’re supposed to eat before you go out and play! (We had that conversation before, he said there was no time to eat and play, but on the school timetable they had actually divided out eating vs playing time.)
Rockstar: <earnestly, seriously> I wasn’t rushing to go out and play! It was this Mrs (something). She is the problem <nodding gravely>.
Me: What d’you mean she’s the problem?
Rockstar: She put on a video I wanted to watch! <shaking head with You See You See This Is The State Of The World Today expression>
(I was just amused how much he thinks this is a good reason… To be fair it’s not like he totally doesn’t eat, just that he’s eating the absolute bare minimum to stave off hunger during class (it’s a long day, 8am on the bus, school time is 8.30am – 3pm) when I know he can actually eat way more than that)…
Is it ok with his teachers if he eats and watches the video at the same time? Though it is not a good habit to eat and do other things but it does save a lot of time in this busy, busy world where time is not enough.
I don’t know whether they were watching something while eating and he got too engrossed and forgot to eat, or he dallied and then it was play/video time, I just generally figured he’s so taken with the whole new school experiences thing that he isn’t paying attention to “old” things like eating… I’m not too fussed, he doesn’t totally not eat, just he needs two fairly huge (and different!) meals when he gets home, before bedtime…
There’s only so many times you can tell him but he won’t remember this properly until he’s “suffered” from hunger-filled afternoons. Maybe after a few more “hungry” afternoons he’ll remember to eat more of his lunch.He’s still trying to get the hang of his new school life with the longer days so of course he’ll forget to eat well as he’s so used to shorter school days. And let’s not mention the social environment he’s got to try and develop, which will seem so important – more important than food at that age.
Saying that, I remember that my siblings and I, as well as my friends as well, were always hungry after school despite having had school lunches. Studying must use plenty of brain juice
Oh yeah right, he’s too busy looking around watching all the other kids too. Still doesn’t want anything requiring utensils even though some of his favorite foods like spaghetti or crab roe sushi require at least a fork – he really wants to be done eating ASAP