This is Rockstar’s description of a relationship he has with a frenemy (friend + enemy) at school…
“Good” and “bad” form the y-axis (no I don’t think he knows it’s a y-axis, he just called it a “range”)
Apparently they started off alright and then it went mostly downhill from there… The steep drop was when the other kid took the mosquito repellent patches stuck to Rockstar’s clothes. Rockstar says the teacher told him to stop and then they got better for awhile…
Until that is the other boy apparently started referring to him as “a pansy”…
Rockstar: Good (on the graph) – He does the right things like not calling me names and listening carefully. Bad – He calls me “Missus Pansy” and tries to get me to get something for him when he doesn’t even know what it is. He’s annoying. Quite. So I keep ignoring him.
(I have to not laugh out loud about the “Missus Pansy” because Rockstar’s seriously pissed about it – but I bet I know partly why the other kid calls him that – my son can be a giant fusspot with very thin skin.)
Rockstar: <still complaining> Sometimes they’re talking and I don’t want them to talk to me because then I might also get in trouble for talking in class – they talk to you you can still get in trouble if the teacher thinks you were also talking and I want to win the Piston Cup (that’s what he calls the inter-group challenge trophy for good behavior that’s apparently currently on his group’s table) – and they’re still talking to me! Even when I’m not saying anything!
Rockstar: …And he puts his hands in his mouth. I told him if he does that he’ll get sick and he says “No la no la” – And then he tells me he had diarrhea on Saturday <shaking head with serious You See You See This Guy expression>.
Ps: Rockstar talks about his classmate most days after school and then today he’d already charted their relationship when I turned around so I reminded him it was harder to understand if he didn’t label the axes… He was mildly annoyed about that too.
I hope Rockstar wins the Piston Cup for he is really doing his best to behave well.
The chart – Is it his first chart? So young and yet he knows how to describe his friend’s behaviour by using a chart. Well done!
Offhand I don’t think I remember seeing it before… I had said something similar when he gives me numbers (e.g. “Today’s temperature is 29.6”) because I’ve told him before that the numbers don’t mean anything without including the unit of measurement (e.g. degrees celsius)… but I hadn’t mentioned labeling graphs before and when i started to say that no one would really know what the line was if — he cut in and said “oh yeah – the range” so I guess someone else already told him… Maybe at school since that’s where he spends all his time interacting…
I think it’s great that Rockstar understands how graphs work at such a young age and is able to produce one to explain a current situation of his. I know I certainly didn’t learn about graphs until I was much older.
Haha I can’t even remember when I finally learned that 😛 but then I’m from the age of Atari’s Asteroid, not educational online games