Rockstar: Mum. Will your (c section) scar ever disappear?
Me: No darling, I will have it for life. I don’t mind, it means I’m your and the baby’s mum.
Rockstar: You can’t have another baby. Who would carry it? You already have this one to take care of.
Me: What d’you mean, there are 3 of us. You, me, Daddy. And we only have 1 baby between us. Technically we could afford two more.
Rockstar: Oh. Yeah. Haha.
Me: You don’t seem like you’re taking me seriously.
Rockstar: Nope. Hee.
PS: At my post-natal…
“Your scar’s much better than the last time.” My gynea is mildly surprised.
Kings hadn’t been able to find the Kelocote scar cream she recommended, “finish two tubes,” while I was on confinement.
“I was using two different things. Contractubex and – “
“Contractubex has about half the performance of Kelocote. It’s the other thing.”
The Other Thing would be La Mer Concentrate. I had about half a bottle left, because I was using it to cut down stretch marks, mixed in with the cheaper body cream. I hadn’t used it on the scar last time round, because we’d managed to find Kelocote, and I didn’t dare try the La Mer on my scar (despite reading it was developed by a scientist who wanted to reduce his own facial scars after a lab experiment blew up in his face I think) because I thought it was more a “cosmetic” cream than one for heavy-duty surgery scars. I’d used the La Mer this time round with the Contractubex out of mild desperation (and because Concentrate was a bit too rich for my face and made me break out a bit) because I didn’t want to waste it after the baby came early, it was soooooo expensive.
Touch wood, yes my new scar is markedly better. (Btw, if you have a second C-section in Malaysia/ Singapore do they also show you your original scar swimming around in a jar of fluid and ask you to sign for its disposal cos it’s “biomaterial”?)
I quite liked my old scar, but now I love my scar. Scars are part of who I am, the “life journey” I’ve had so far. It’s also a nice, fairly even red line with barely 30% the amount of keloid of my first C-section scar. (And my gynea said my initial scar wasn’t that bad either.) I would get a tattoo around that line if I didn’t think the dark ink might make me look like Chewbacca at first glance – and if the thought of needles didn’t freak the husband out so much.
all the pain, scars and sacrifices mummies have to make for their babies….
Wouldn’t life be fairer if daddies share some of these?
Well you know what they say about the NBA… Each player on the team has a different function and position… Welcome back, u still dropping by from the UK?
I plan to visit Singapore and Shanghai some time in the next 6 months. Not sure if it is worth the time and money to drop by HK…perhaps except to get my candies…
Gorgeous photo of your two!!
Thanks, Jho… Really hard catching both of em at their best, the baby still has her eyes half closed in that one…
i don’t know about c-section but I know a friend who had surgery twice
through an incision in the abdomen – both times the surgeon did a bikini line incision on the same spot but no showing of original scar swimming in a jar of fluid. Do you mean they cut out your original scar totally? I thought they will just do an incision along the same line (scar).
Was the photo taken just after Rockstar’s bath/shower time? His hair looked kinda wet.
Yes to both – that is our “assembly line” evening bath – Rockstar’s just had his, baby Rockstar waiting for her turn – impatiently, cos she’s a real water babe
Yeah i think they cut the whole thing out (which i didn’t expect, I also thought they just cut the same place) – because when I looked at my second c-section wound, there was no trace of the original scar tissue left. I just healed over a new wound like that had been my first ever c section. Not sure if relevant, but apparently my gynea is quite a well-known and sought after gynea here… I certainly liked her before ever hearing just how popular she really was, but can see also, from bookings and rates she charges… Apparently she is also very well known as a surgeon – which makes me especially respect her because with Rockstar she had NOT pushed me into having the c-section.
The nurse explained (in Cantonese) to me that the tissue I was signing disposal of in the jar was my old scar too. It did look like it, it wasn’t any shape that could’ve been mistaken for any placenta or cord or whatever, just a thin sliver…