Rockstar’s been going on for a couple days about some animal facts he read about in school during some extra free reading time, I think it was…
(Looking at squid tentacles between his chopsticks…)
Rockstar: Mum. Did you know the smaller an octopus is, the more deadly it is?
Me: Erm, really? Where did you get that, are you sure?
Rockstar: Google it.
Me: (Wanting to make sure he was on the child-safe search engine he was taught to use last term) Did you google it?
Rockstar: No, I read it in this book in school. It’s why the blue-ringed octopus is tiny.
Me: (Not sure I like the reasoning) Wait, lemme ask you this: Is an octopus deadly because it’s small, or is it small because it’s deadly? Or are the two completely unrelated and just a coincidence?
Rockstar: <brief pause> Unrelated. It’s just a coincidence.
Me: Fine, so you think they just happen to be both small and deadly.
Rockstar: Yeah. But when you see a small octopus, what you really need to think about is whether it’s a tiny adult octopus or the baby of a big octopus.
Me: <mildly impressed> Wow.
Rockstar: The problem is, I’m not sure if there’s really a way to tell if it’s an adult or a baby.
Me: Well…. Does the Miss look like an adult octopus or a baby octopus?
Rockstar: <snorts> Ok, so the babies are probably really, really cute. Only problem is, what are we going to do with them when they grow up?
Me: Excuse me?
Rockstar: It’s like, these babies look soooo cute. And then they grow up. And then what are people going to do with them?
Me: Are you talking about your sister or an octopus?
Rockstar: Octopuses are easier.
Rockstar is so mature in his thinking. He will be a responsible parent when he grows up since he thinks it through. Many people have babies because they are just so cute and do not bother putting in the effort to raise them properly until the cute babies grow up to be nasty adults. So what do you do with them when they grow up to be nasty people?
Miss Rockstar is truly little Miss Sunshine as she is always so happy and laughing.
A good weekend to all of you!
Hey there is another possibility – Rockstar could choose not to have kids! I really liked Timothy Tiah’s post recently about not asking couples about having kids… Now there’s a thought, can mention this to the people who do, right? (Oh but then that is not the “appropriate response,” to what seems to be loosely accepted in those circles as an “acceptable question” :P)
Good weekend to you too….