So there was this passage in “How To Behave So Your Children Will, Too!” (which btw greatly amuses Rockstar that I am reading) and I thought the example of a staged conversation between a 7 year old and his parents was a bit funny and so I ran it by Rockstar as well…
Me: Do you know what a time-out is?
Rockstar: Yeah. It’s basically when you have to go stare at a wall quietly for awhile.
Me: Oh. So you know about these types of punishments already.
Rockstar: Yeah. <shrugs> Some of my friends get them like, all. The time.
Me: Do you think it’s an effective punishment?
Rockstar: Y-eah… Kind of. For the Miss. <thoughtfully> But you probably need to give her like, 50 mins. 5-0, not 1-5 minutes.
Me: You do know the same rules apply to you, right?
Rockstar: Well yeah, but I’m just not going to get (a timeout). I’ll just not get in trouble. <shrugs>
Me: Oh, so technically time-outs are effective then!
Rockstar: <non-committally> Guess so.
Me: You don’t seem very convinced. You have a better suggestion?
Rockstar: You could just give me more ixl (online math practice).
Me: You’re volunteering to be given more math as a punishment?! Freak boy.
Rockstar: Like, 2 extra modules or something is ok. Then you get some practice. Staring at a wall you’re not practicing anything.
Me: You are supposed to not want the punishment. Punishment is a deterrent.
Rockstar: I’m not going to get punished anyway.
Me: Awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you? You might make a mistake, what.
Rockstar: I mean, I’m really going to try. I really don’t want to be punished for anything. <mock shudders> <indicates the Miss in feeding chair> But her you probably need to do something about.
Miss: Ko-ko. NO! Stop. Talking! <throws little wooden fish at him>
Rockstar: See?

Scooter girl rebooted this weekend (she got off immediately after this was taken – even at snail’s pace, scooters not allowed :P)
The conversation these 2 have are just hilarious 🙂
Anything, as long as they are talking not screaming
Hahaha, Miss Rockstar is going to get timeouts from Rockstar when he is older.
So Miss Rockstar has taken up scooting now?
We don’t really have a lot of time for her to do that, she’s also a bit sick now so mostly school and hanging out after… and it’s really really hot at the mom… But yes she can scoot slowly if she wants, though she has had v little practice… I think just her age, she’s older now…