**Updated at bottom – found a pic of Ms Rockstar’s booties with the cheongsam
Before the hols… And a little illustration of how parenting has changed since our childhood…
Rockstar: Mum. Classmate A and classmate B are leaving Hong Kong. We got candy.
Me: Oh. Really?? Classmate B is leaving? (Rockstar nods) I didn’t get that impression when I saw his mum. Ok, lemme say goodbye.
I proceed to text a Nice Meeting You, Goodbye And All The Best message. Awhile later my phone buzzes with a reply that they are not going anywhere…
Me: Hey your friend’s mum says they aren’t leaving. Why did you think they were?
Rockstar: <shrugs> Classmate A and Classmate B both gave us candy. Classmate A said it was because he was leaving. So I asked Classmate B if he was leaving too and he said yes.
Me: Well why would he say yes??
Rockstar: He probably wasn’t really listening.
Me: <mildly annoyed> If you knew that then why didn’t you say, when I asked if you were sure, before I messaged his mum??
Rockstar: I wasn’t really listening.
Me: You don’t think that kind of answer is going to get you in trouble?
Rockstar: <raises eyebrows> Umm… No?
Me: Rotan you. Bring back the cane then you know…
Rockstar: What’s that?
Me: <incredulous, and realizing he really has never come across the concept of caning> It’s a kind of punishment that was a lot more common when your parents were kids and your grandparents were parents. Like spanking but with a cane. (Brief explanation of caning.)
Rockstar: <amazed> REALLY?? People did this?
Me: It’s not that hard to believe, some people still do this.
Rockstar: REALLY?? But that’s like something aliens do.
Me: You think aliens cane people???
Rockstar: <shrugs> Aliens do weird things.
Like apparently abduct people in order to cane them.
…And a few more CNY pics…
These were taken at a recent big lunch party in Central, many of the guests are familiar faces from our former banking lives. There were at least 3 more kids with tech, out on the balcony or seated elsewhere, this is what gatherings with kids are like nowadays. At which point you catch yourself realizing it isn’t that weird he’s never seen a cane and finds such punishment bizarre. (He rarely gets punished because he hates it and so is fairly anal about not needing it, but usually his punishment would be grounding, a lecture, fewer Youtubes, or one less toy purchase (the last is not very effective because he will simply say, “Fine. I don’t need it.” More often I bark at him before he’s done something or to stop. it. right. now. instead…)
Here’s my favorite Little Miss outfit of the season:
Unfortunately I realized later I didn’t get the Portolano brown cashmere knee-length booties she wears with everything when it’s cold, in the pic. Long cheongsam with knee-booties and matching butterfly clip. Quite the fashionista. Even better, she was fast asleep in Room, wearing the (un-done-up) cheongsam right up until it was time to go out the door, and then I zipped the dress back up, did the buttons and put on the booties and clipped her hair back while we were in the car. This is one of those too-rare moments when you feel (misguidedly) that you are a good mother.
As they enjoyed drinks by the bar… (I think it’s a fairly new restaurant opened by one of our friends’ friends, Rockstar was mildly annoyed to discover they didn’t serve juice, because he only gets it in restaurants, but would later settle for ice cold milk…)

Aforementioned Rockstar in da almost empty place before it quickly filled (darn I forgot to take a pic of the art on the walls)
This pose looks like Rockstar is the sushi chef of this restaurant… Which I don’t think serves sushi 😛
The two of them sharing a private joke… and apparently a chin shape. Hmm, never noticed before. (Is it too soon to tell, or does neither child have my thin, oval face shape?)
….. Before we’re off again into the streets and home…
ps: Oh look found the (blurry) pic of what Ms Rockstar would be wearing, that I sent to Kings back when she was trying on her new clothes:
I can imagine how stylish Ms Rockstar looks in her whole outfit with the booties, pretty hair clip and sweet pink cheongsam. She looks sleepy in the last photo.
Most children in M’sia would know Mr. Ro Tan by the time they are five years old. Ya, there are many mothers here who still rotan their children.
Both children face shape is more round than oval but that may change as they grow up.
Both kids KO-ed when they got home… I was surprised, because Rockstar hasn’t napped in the afternoon for quite awhile…
Really, mums still rotan their children this generation?
Gotta admit somehow it simply didn’t occur to us… As for his schoolwork, on weekends and most holidays we started a habit of him doing some the moment he wakes up – just came naturally because that is one time he would much rather do any kind of “work” than have to stay sleeping so it was just less painful than interrupting any play later in the day to do any homework… Now, if he has to do more than that in future then I haven’t thought of how to make him want to do it
Rockstar has a very obviously round face shape and we often think (except for the eyes) Little Miss looked a lot like him as a baby – now I realize face shape has a lot to do with it… Chief of Things That Don’t Matter That We Choose To Care Remotely About is whether she “loses” the large eye look when she grows older… Rockstar started with v small eyes, then went thru a period of large eyes, and then now what he currently looks like…
Heheh so cuteee 😀
Really sweet! Can see the full length cheongsam and one bootie in your updated photo. Thanks!
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