Me: Look, Ms Rockstar, circle! A blue circle!
Rockstar: That’s not a circle. It’s a cylinder.
Me: Y-es, but how old were you when you learnt that? To her it’s a circle.
Rockstar: So why don’t you just teach her circles AND cylinders now?
Me: I thought I’d start with circles. How’m I supposed to explain the difference between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes to a baby? You just learnt, and you’re how old?
Rockstar makes no comment.
Me (carrying on with baby): Can we fit the circle in the right hole?
Rockstar (without looking up from what he’s doing): Cylinder.
Me (ignoring him): <encouragingly> Yes, that hole! Can we put the circle in?
Rockstar: Cylinder.
Me: <irritated – how come when I talk to him he doesn’t pay attention and then here he’s supposed to be playing with his own stuff and he’s butting in> Are you going to do that every time I say “circle”?
Rockstar: <shrugs> Maybe. If it’s a cylinder.
Me: Fine, how would you teach her shapes?
Rockstar (takes cylinder shape from me): <authoritatively> Ms Rockstar, this is a circle… AND A CYLINDER. Yes! A. Cylinder!
Oh wait I chopped the tip of her tail off in that pic:
ps: And I think he’s just gonna confuse her with “cylinder” <humph>.
Move aside, tiger moms and dads, here comes Rockstar, the tiger brother!
Now you don’t have to worry about Miss Rockstar getting her facts wrong, Rockstar will be there to see that she has all her facts right.
Super cute Miss Rockstar with a tail on her head!!!
…and so the baby will know cylinders but not circles, or else she is going to be confused for awhile… as i type this he just did that with rectangles and rectangular prisms
yes love the tail tho