Rockstar: Mum. I met these 2 girls after school. They asked me if I wanted some sweets and I said “yes”. Then they said I had to give them a dollar for 5 sweets. I didn’t have any money with me. Did you know it’s like, you need money for everything in the world?
Me: Well… to buy things, yes. And you get the most money from the best jobs. Why do you think we ask you to study hard. Do well, you get to choose among more jobs that you like. Otherwise you’re stuck with a job no one else wants.
Rockstar: You mean a lousy job?
Me: Yeah.
Rockstar: Like making money? (btw, the way Rockstar sees it, a banker’s job is to “make money”.)
Me: Why do you think making money is a lousy job?
Rockstar: Because like, how do you make money?
Me: You could invest. Say you think everyone is going to want this Star Wars Lego set so you buy it for $4 first and then when lots more people decide they want it, maybe someone is willing to pay you $6 for it. So now you can buy something bigger for $6. Still think that’s a lousy job?
Rockstar: No, but it’s really hard.
Me: Why’s it hard?
Rockstar: Because you might not know what to buy that will make money.
Actually, this isn’t really funny, can’t argue with his logic… So instead I’ll add a cute picture. Notice that I get to put up whatever pictures of my kids and call them cute pictures. It’s nice to have a blog. Everyone should try it sometime.
Love that Rockstar doesn’t have a massive shopping list of expensive “wants” unlike plenty of materialistic kids here in HK and in other first world cities. May he remain “ignorant” of such things for a long time to come.
Also love Little Miss’s socks/ bootees.
Yeah totally agree re the materialism, and we kinda keep checking his temperature every once in awhile to see if there is any developing…
The booties are Portolano cashmere bot on sale at gilt.com… almost the only pair we bought her because people gave us a lotta stuff including cute socks and things, i only had to add the one very warm item…
Wow, what an important insight Rockstar has about making money which is so very true – hope that does not put him off from wanting to make money, hehehe.
And you explain everything about money in such a simple way that is easy to understand.
Yes, it is a nice photo of all 3 having fun. I can’t help wondering what’s the view like for the Miss in her stroller – does she see the sky only, things above her or things in front of her like what Rockstar will see when walking ahead.
and also is the Miss sitting in her stroller or lying on her back in her stroller? Sorry, I can’t tell from looking at the photo – I don’t have any experience with babies in strollers, hehehe :).
The stroller is less upright than I would like, Kings bot it while I was in hosp cos the baby came early and it’s mainly as an add on to the original baby car seat… it’s very light and folds easy though, I put a balled-up blanket behind Little Miss if she wants to sit more upright. She can see fine even sitting back when we’re at the park, but I don’t like that it’s so low cos the dog licks her fingers and wags her tail in her face
Now I look at the photo closer, I notice JD has a sort of look. Does it mean she is happy, having fun or does it mean – why are we stopping for a photo?
Oh JD definitely has a look. She actually hates having her picture taken and all the smiley pics you see of her are when she is too happy going out or being fed treats to care, they’re not the norm… The norm is she keeps ruining shots…