Rockstar: Mum. What’s an error?
Me: A mistake, something causing the computer not to work properly.
Rockstar: You mean like a bug?
Me: Well… Technically the bug causes the error message on the computer.
Rockstar appears to mull this over…
Rockstar: What’s the worst thing a bug does?
Me: Um… Probably wipe your data?
Rockstar: <conversationally>What’s data?
Me: <thinking: ?! Thought he knows what data is> Information. Like when you can’t watch video clips on Youtube anymore because the server no longer has that clip in its memory.
Rockstar: <conversationally>Ok, what’s the second worst thing that can happen?
Me: Probably when you can’t run programs – like when your Om Nom game no longer works. Maybe you can’t start up the App anymore or it hangs.
Rockstar: <conversationally>Ok, what’s the third –
Me: Oh come on. You’re not serious, you don’t really want to know that.
Rockstar: Wha-at… Yes I do.
Me: You want me to stop chatting with my friend on Whatsapp, don’t you.
Rockstar: Yeah.
Hehehe, Rockstar is so tactful and smart to think of such a good way to keep mommy away from her smartphone. Being inquisitive by asking questions is good – he can learn more this way.