Entertaining The Rockstars over the weekend while Kings was at work…

(Little Miss decides she can play better if she climbs onto the table, but otherwise doesn’t take the thing apart, just picks each piece up to look at it, much to my relief because Rockstar would be quite fussed… I’m also in the phase of teaching her “No Eating” to discourage her from putting every little choking hazard or icky thing in her mouth – it’s a phrase we use a lot in playrooms and outside but rarely at home with her own toys)
Me: Who lives in pyramids, Rockstar?
Rockstar: Dead people.
Me: “Ancient Egyptian Civilization” would’ve killed you?
Rockstar: Tsk wha-att… It’s for dead people…
Me: Couldn’t swing “Ancient Burial Rites For Egyptian Royalty”?
Rockstar: They’re still people.
Me: Well……. But the Ancient Egyptians believed their pharaoh was related to the Egyptian Sun God Ra. So technically they didn’t treat their Pharaoh like just a person or even a normal King, and – I should probably stop talking now, shouldn’t I?
Rockstar: Yeah. I’m trying to open this thing. (Fiddles with pyramid)
Me: Wow this set is elaborate. They’ve even got the canopic jars for putting organs in. Y’know, when they mummify the dead they put the heart, lungs etc in these jars.
(Actually I’m thinking wow, they make toys like that?? Rockstar of course perks up…)
Rockstar: Lemme see. Can I have that? (Takes it from me)
Me: Oh, so now I have your attention. Because it’s some gross thing.
Rockstar: Yeah! Look at that, Little Miss! EeeeeeeEEEeee! Har har har! (Waves canopic jar at baby…)
Ok, so now I know why they have canopic jars in a pyramid play set….
I am amazed at the amount and details put into educational toys for children.
How did you teach Rockstar about death or rather dead people?
Was dithering about your question, if I don’t come back here then the answer is in the next post (i.e. too long for comment section :P)… In fact, I really appreciate a lot of the time your questions help me to flesh out my blog more…