Rockstar: You took a picture of my phonics books! Did you even look inside?
Me: Uh… I’m going to.
Rockstar: Yeah you should. It’s awesome. How about today?
Rockstar: I’ve such a good feeling this is the right answer…
In the midst of packing (yes we are going somewhere, just the 4 of us!), here’s a few excerpts from what Rockstar’s written.
First thing I see when I open his diary/ essay book is:
Overleaf, he’d written:
“Once upon a time, there was a young viper that lived in a tree in a wood. One day his mother viper said to him, ‘Your Grandpa needs help’. Along the way (he didn’t realize) there was a tree and inside the tree was a crafty, hungry kobra. The kobra wanted Grandpa’s treasure. The kobra thought of a cunning plan.” …..
I look up from the cliffhanger of a cunning plan to bite grandpa, “So then what happened?”
Rockstar: I ran out of time. <shrugs>
Me: What? Then I’m never going to find out if the “kobra” managed to steal the treasure??
Here’s another cliffhanger:
(Btw I think this was around the time one of his favorite friends at school had a reptile show for his birthday, they must’ve been having a lotta reptile discussions on the playground…)
Though I’m not sure how I feel about being portrayed as disbelieving and Kings as sadistic. π
Me: You’ve got some very simple spelling mistakes (“wanted” not “wated”), were you rushing?
Rockstar: Yeah! We ran out of time tsk!
Anyway, he’s come a long way, baby…
Nice he can write down crazy ideas now. Y’know, like how the Earth is round and all that…
Β And that was Goodbye Year 1. Rockstar’s huge transition into Primary school.
ps: We’re about to leave Hong Kong…. or, when you read, we may have already left…
Have a good vacation!
I like how the school does not emphasize so much on spelling for his age but more on expression of ideas. All I remember doing in primary one is to memorize words and spellings. Love Rockstar’s creative and imaginative stories without ending – leaving his readers forever in suspense.
His drawings are action packed (full of exclamation marks) – snake bake! (is that bake or bare?) – What is “Wing! Wong! Wing!” ? Names?
Then there are the 3 exclamation marks for the sentence ending with “orbits the sun!!!”
Do you use the word “Never” often? π
That’s a very motivating and encouraging memento from his teacher. How does Rockstar feel after reading it?
I think (bearing in mind I m in holiday mood now) he has books that do correct spelling and even when he fails to use capital letters in the right place, but yes I believe those were about expression of ideas. (There were others with lotsa corrections π
I asked him what the wing/wong/wing thing was and he just threw his head back and laughed, a little bashfully. By now he’s forgotten but I think those are largely influenced by his friends’ talk on the playground and as he has very multi-racial schoolmates I have no idea what that was!
That I know of, I actually don’t use “never” very often, but he did, for a short while – also influenced by his friends I think.
Rockstar was just happy to get the memento…
Have a good holiday! Where are you heading to? Wean!