Rockstar: You took a picture of my phonics books! Did you even look inside?
Me: Uh… I’m going to.
Rockstar: Yeah you should. It’s awesome. How about today?
Rockstar: I’ve such a good feeling this is the right answer…
In the midst of packing (yes we are going somewhere, just the 4 of us!), here’s a few excerpts from what Rockstar’s written.
First thing I see when I open his diary/ essay book is:
Overleaf, he’d written:
“Once upon a time, there was a young viper that lived in a tree in a wood. One day his mother viper said to him, ‘Your Grandpa needs help’. Along the way (he didn’t realize) there was a tree and inside the tree was a crafty, hungry kobra. The kobra wanted Grandpa’s treasure. The kobra thought of a cunning plan.” …..
I look up from the cliffhanger of a cunning plan to bite grandpa, “So then what happened?”
Rockstar: I ran out of time. <shrugs>
Me: What? Then I’m never going to find out if the “kobra” managed to steal the treasure??
Here’s another cliffhanger:
(Btw I think this was around the time one of his favorite friends at school had a reptile show for his birthday, they must’ve been having a lotta reptile discussions on the playground…)
Though I’m not sure how I feel about being portrayed as disbelieving and Kings as sadistic.
Me: You’ve got some very simple spelling mistakes (“wanted” not “wated”), were you rushing?
Rockstar: Yeah! We ran out of time tsk!
Anyway, he’s come a long way, baby…
Nice he can write down crazy ideas now. Y’know, like how the Earth is round and all that…
And that was Goodbye Year 1. Rockstar’s huge transition into Primary school.

Things that make you go “Aw..” Laminated memento from his teacher… There’s a dress up day class pic overleaf…

And there’s Mr Smarty-pants himself… Is that a handy man fixing something on Little Miss’ stove? Wow, gender stereotype alert. Did I do that?
ps: We’re about to leave Hong Kong…. or, when you read, we may have already left…
Have a good vacation!
I like how the school does not emphasize so much on spelling for his age but more on expression of ideas. All I remember doing in primary one is to memorize words and spellings. Love Rockstar’s creative and imaginative stories without ending – leaving his readers forever in suspense.
His drawings are action packed (full of exclamation marks) – snake bake! (is that bake or bare?) – What is “Wing! Wong! Wing!” ? Names?
Then there are the 3 exclamation marks for the sentence ending with “orbits the sun!!!”
Do you use the word “Never” often?
That’s a very motivating and encouraging memento from his teacher. How does Rockstar feel after reading it?
I think (bearing in mind I m in holiday mood now) he has books that do correct spelling and even when he fails to use capital letters in the right place, but yes I believe those were about expression of ideas. (There were others with lotsa corrections
I asked him what the wing/wong/wing thing was and he just threw his head back and laughed, a little bashfully. By now he’s forgotten but I think those are largely influenced by his friends’ talk on the playground and as he has very multi-racial schoolmates I have no idea what that was!
That I know of, I actually don’t use “never” very often, but he did, for a short while – also influenced by his friends I think.
Rockstar was just happy to get the memento…
Have a good holiday! Where are you heading to? Wean!