One of those days when Little Miss throws a nutty… This time it’s because she refuses to leave Rockstar’s half-eaten green apple from Pacific Coffee on an evening we suddenly realize we are late for a dinner appointment. Was trying to leave it behind because she was throwing JD’s new Rogz ball with one hand, holding the half-eaten apple in the other, and I’m pretty sure switching hands.
We go back for the apple, bundle kids and dog into the lift, then when JD trots ahead to the car I realize she is no longer carrying her new ball. Rush back into said lift still clutching Little Miss still clutching half-eaten apple and the auntie who’s just gone in goes “Aiya! What is it ahhhh…” Turning, I kick the ball through what is now a rapidly closing lift door. Kings and I stare at each other in dismay as the door closes with me, the Miss and the apple still inside.
“Aiya never mind lah you wait awhile la…” That’s when I realize the auntie’s finger is still on the door close button. When I lunge for the door open button she goes “Oops never mind lah you wait lah.” “AAAAAAARRGGGGHHHH!!!!” Completely unphased, she exits her floor still going never mind lah you wait lah you wait lah (come to think of it why couldn’t she wait instead of hitting the bloody door close button.)
Rockstar (to us): Why are you still holding that (probably dirty) half eaten apple?
Me (still annoyed, to Miss): Happy now? Got what you wanted?
Little Miss: <happily> Ap-ple.
Rockstar roars with laughter. We show up for dinner mirthful, if late. It’s the first time she’s said the word. Rockstar spends most of the ride getting her to say it over and over again.
Looking at a picture in a book….
Me: Look, Little Miss, your favorite! Ball!
Little Miss (a little reproachfully): Buh-bble.
Me: Huh. Fine. Another intellectual snob.
Rockstar: (without looking up from Youtube-ing) Oh, was it really a bubble? So she was right? So why did you say –
Me: Because I didn’t know she knew “bubble”. And trust you to totally pounce on that. Yes, Mummy was wrong – (to Miss) what?
Little Miss (a little reproachfully): Buh-bble.
Me: Yes darling, very good.
Little Miss (a little reproachfully): Buh-bble.
Me: Yeah, yeah, now I know you know. <Rockstar makes eye contact with me expectantly> You were right, I was wrong, it’s a bubble not a ball.
Little Miss (a little reproachfully): Buh-bble.
Me: Snob.
Rockstar: Good girl, Little Miss!
Me: Both of you. Trust you to approve.
Rockstar: (turning back to laptop) I do, actually. Of course I do. Good girl, Little Miss <nods approvingly at her>.
Little Miss: (giggles delightedly) Ko-ko-ko.
It’s sometimes a little weird, Rockstar’s whole carriage and seriousness in that tiny kid packaging…
Well done Miss Rockstar! Apples and bubbles – they rhyme too.
Better not point out to Rockstar… Mr obsessive compulsive anal retentive will then start grouping her words or something