Kings (to me): ………………..Price-to-earnings ratio of 7 would simply value (said investment product he’s staring at on laptop) at 28 million, if it’s earning 4 million, whereas –
Me (to Rockstar, knowing how much he loves to get involved in grownup conversations): Heard that? That’s something you know right, 7 times 4 is 28 –
Rockstar (perks up): Oh yeah!
Me: So listen and try to follow as much as you can…
Kings carries on like he was never interrupted while Rockstar interrupts periodically…
Rockstar (gravely): 7 times 4 is 28. This is true.
Kings carries on….
Rockstar (gravely): That’s true too.
Kings carries on….
Rockstar: Mum. Can’t hear him. Tell Daddy I can’t hear him.
Me: Uh…..
Kings is still carrying on…
Rockstar: Still can’t hear him………
Me: He can hear you you know, can you let him finish before he forgets what he wants to say?
Rockstar: Oh. Yeah. That happens to me too.
Me: Shh –
Rockstar: Can’t he-earrr <trails off>……
Me: Neither can I.
Kings (having finished what he was saying): Hmm?

(In case you’re wondering what Rockstar is snacking on, it’s raw carrot sticks piled high with blue cheese…. and yes he loves olives too…)
Does this mean that Rockstar is very likely to follow in his father’s footsteps?
Blue cheese is nasty but I like to eat it too!
Love blue cheese! Also all the ones with the white rinds – brie, camembert….. which strangely Rockstar doesn’t take, he only takes the hard cheeses and the blue…
Our one “rule” about what Rockstar wants to do (as long as he can pay his own bills someday) is he must be passionate about it. i.e. he has to have drive. Ambition. If he made it to become a pastor in a church also we would be proud and happy, as long as he is driven about THAT.
Rockstar’s current passion appears to be science and math. We didn’t particularly nurture that over others (in fact when younger he used to have a constant background noise of West Wing or CNBC because that’s what I used to have on all the time, never National Geographic like some of his friends) but are certainly happy to “feed” that.
And I thought to clarify something else here as well – long ago someone I knew from work mentioned a daughter with a First from Oxford who emailed him, “I have goals, not morals.” We would not be happy about that. Just saying. I believe very strongly in an ability to have a personal conversation with God which I don’t find easy to do without also a clear conscience. (As in how do you pray for God to bless you and keep you safe if you know you have deliberately dishonored Him by doing some dodgy thing to get ahead)
It is good that Rockstar is encouraged to work in whatever field that he has passion for.