On Rockstar’s first day back at school, he comes back with this drawing his friend has given him…..
Fresh from their previous learning unit about writing stories, this has been dubbed “Part 1” because Rockstar wants to do a “response” second part… That’s of course Earth on the left, the moon is orbiting Earth as usual, and the two friends appear to have agreed that the planet on the right is Mars.

Solar System on the right complete with various planet orbit paths (no, for a fact they don’t orbit at constant distances from the Sun….. AND belatedly I realize he also captured Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, and Uranus’ sideways rings)
Adds a black hole. And the two ships leaving Earth and Mars “Are trying to find new places to live on in case that black hole threatens to suck up Earth.” They are aware NASA has sent Rovers to Mars and anyway it’s the closest to Earth in terms of habitability. I stopped Rockstar from adding the asteroid belt or debris that scientists had speculated were originally Phaeton, a planet between Mars and Jupiter before it was destroyed…
And so there’s a part 2…
Wow, Rockstar is on his way to become the next Isaac Asimov.
Can’t wait for part 2.
Have Rockstar watched the movie Gravity? I’m asking because he is just so interested in space.
(sheepish) we didn’t either… Though I know Sandra Bullock is up for something what with her stellar performance… He doesn’t watch many movie-length shows… Part 2 will depend on what his friend and him decide on eventually 😀