Me: What in the wide world are you doing?
Rockstar: Trying to use The Force to get a bun.
Me: <handing the packet to him> Looks like it worked.
Rockstar: Wait! Wait! Lemme try that again!
(Just in case The Force might work on homework…)
<snort> This is why I say he’s very “straight” – he first worked out and inputted the answer, and THEN tried to use “The Force” to click “submit”. Rather than rely on “The Force” to work out the answer….
ps: Been a crazy long weekend, no time to blog more yet; took the Miss on her first “school supplies run” which was really because I only knew this one place at Stanley that had the very light weight backpacks I wanted for the kids, then Rockstar had his 3-way parent-teacher conference in the afternoon so he was otherwise home from school throughout, then I promised him Funzone before his regular Canton music, then we were at a charity outdoor screening of Mary Poppins on Saturday, then there was church service, Sunday late lunch and Wisekids run……. And I have to run for a bath now before feeding the Miss, having set both their dinners in front of them (or in the Miss’ case a third of her dinner since she is likely to feed the dog when I’m not looking). Why yes, I flew solo throughout. Except for when we were at Mary Poppins and our playdate mates watched them while I went to get gingerbread men.
Aileen, Thank you for giving us this post despite being so busy.
Rockstar, may the force be with you.