Coming back from work (and not recognizing the lingering smell of chocolate all over the apartment, it is that alien), Kings opens the fridge.
Kings (to me): You baked cookies?
Rockstar: They’re not cookies. It’s a science experiment.

This is from one of Rockstar’s library books this week… Rockstar’s attempting the “experiment” on the right…
(They have to borrow one fiction and one non-fiction book a week, Rockstar rarely pays much attention to the fiction one unless it’s science fiction or something he can entertain the Miss with – once it was a book about saying “please” <roll eyes> – but he is very serious about what he scores in the science section.)
Oh, the things we endure, in the name of science…..
Rockstar (indicating messy, chocolate-y, marshmallow-y fingers): Mum. Look. How am I going to wash it off?
Me: Why don’t you lick it off?
Rockstar: I don’t like the taste.
Me: ?! It’s candy!!
Rockstar: Yeah!!
So can Rockstar identify the “particles” in the “rocks” he created?
Photos of the cross section of his “rocks” pretty please.
So what happened to the “rocks” after the experiment? In the bin or in someone’s tummy?
We threw them away.. (sheepish) between wasting and putting junk in our bodies to not waste it (when we didn’t absolutely want to eat junk) we thought the former was the lesser evil…
Sorry I couldn’t load a cross-section but it looked pretty much like the rest of it, which we kinda expected too because the marshmallows and gummy bears totally melted until you couldn’t see them which was why we put the nuts and other mix into it just so we would be able to see something when we cut it open…. Then I ordered Rockstar a bunch of Geodes from Met museum because then you CAN see something in there…